What is Wahhabism ?

What does the term ‘Wahhabism’ mean ?

Answer #1

An Islamic renewal movement that started a couple hundred years ago. It was kind of a purification movement, similar to the so-called Christian Puritans in Europe. Wahabbism wanted to return to the original beliefs and practices of Islam during its first years.

Abdu I-Wahhab was the founder of this movement, and it developed many very strict and conservative regulations. One of these regulations is not allowing minarets or decorations on mosques, and if you go to Saudi Arabia you will see how different the Wahhabist mosques are from others. Wahabbism is a big part of Saudi Arabia, by the way. The kingdom was actually founded on the principles of Wahabbism. There is even a religious “police” unit that enforces these laws.

Answer #2

mjax is correct again. He is one knowledgable fellow.

They are the most fundamentalist of all muslim sects, and the major sect in Saudi Arabia, where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from. But of course they are still considered our allies. Funny how the fundamentalists in this country have no problem with fundamentalists in saudi arabia. But they had a major problem with a secualr country like Iraq.

Answer #3

GOD bless you all :)

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