Is satan attacking me?

I have been trying to rekindle my relationship with God, and be spiritualy more intouch with God. Well I’m 4 months pregnant, my boyfriend got arrested he might serve 6 months and he would miss the birth. I had to move back in with my parents because of bills. My parents are struggling with bills to. and my dog died two days ago. I’m so lonely now my dog was the last friend I had. Is satan attacking me? I feel like evertime it can’t get anyworse it does. Is there any hope? Please pray for me. :( I’m so scared, I don’t want to wake up in the mornings because I’m scared something else bad is going to happen.

Answer #1

Fear can be described as : F alse E vidence A ppearing are eal

Do not walk in fear. The bible says that perfect love, casts out all fear. Read the bible, it will build your faith. As your faith grows, fear diminishes. Your inner man becomes strong. The bible is full of Gods promises. He is for you. And his word says, that if God be for me, who can be against me?

There is comfort in the presense of other believers, and there is power in prayer, I agree with guerty… find a church that you are comfortable in, where you can be encouraged in the faith, and one that is very willing to pray for you, as often as you need it.

We can pray for you too, and it will help, but, it is no substitute for developing a personal relationship with God yourself. We can help you, but, you have to take the iniative, and so does your friend in jail. No offense meant.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the faith that unknown has, and for the fact that she is trying to get closer to you, I pray that you will lead her in the direction that you would have her to go, and help her to grow in the knowledge of you. Help her to get into your word, and feed her spirit upon it, help her to understand what you want her to understand, and be able to stand on what she learns. Touch her friend in jail, and help him to see that living for you, is a wonderful thing indeed. Help him to turn from self to you, and to seek you, and your guidance, for his life, and that of his unborn child, help him to take the responsibility that is his, for this child, and be the man that he should be, toward his child, and that childs mother. Take all this negative, and turn it into postitive, bless this family, and help them to get on the right track, and we give you praise ahead of time, for what you are willing to do, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. ((hugs))

God bless you, honey.

Answer #2

sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Answer #3

Sometimes blunt and brutal honesty is in order, such as this case. Everything you described other than the death of your dog is the result of poor decisions you made. It isn’t Satan attacking you, it’s you attacking yourself.

Answer #4

While I think Toadaly is being a bit harsh (presumably you’re not to blame for your boyfriends’ acts, or your parents’ trouble paying bills), he’s right - if you want to find someone to blame, you don’t have to look to supernatural entities. Saying “satan made me do it” or “satan did it” is just a nice way to dodge responsibility (and fail to learn anything in the process).

Answer #5

I would say that Satan is getting ahold of you and he doesn’t want you to be happy. I’m so sorry that your dog passed away and that your boyfriend wonn’t be able to see your baby born. It would be lonesome for you especially when your parents are struggling themselves. I would recomend to read your scriptures, go to church every Sunday, and try to wake up in the mornings to find happiness by praying, to Heavenly Father, count your blessings, read your scriptures, and try to say “Satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ amen” You should pray every morning, noon and night and before your meals. Satan will put you down and give you temptations that you don’t need. You are in my prayers and god bless. Oh! congradulations on having your first child. Also, your boyfriend is also in my prayers. Always remember to rebuke Satan.

Answer #6

Doesn’t matter what everyone says. Satan is hard at work daily in all our lifes. poor decisions and so on are just a way for satan to let us know he is alive and well in our lifes. In the Bible it says it will rain of the Good and the Bad the same. Keep praying and trusting in God and He will send you comfort. . trust in your family and they will support you in your time of need. . And be thankful for even the little blessings in life.

Answer #7

Well, this is life I guess. Stay strong. Treat all those bad things as life experiences. For you to learn. Everyone experience bad stuffs. Our life are filled with obstacles for us to overcome. But once we overcome it, all the obstacles will turn to be lessons. It teaches us stuffs and allow us to gain experiences.

Dont be afraid to wake up.. Cause you wont know what is going to happen next. Tell yourself that tomorrow will be better. And im very sure that you can get through the stormy days by yourself. Cause you are strong enough to do that.

Always tell yourself that you are strong enough. And please remember to stay strong. I hope everything will be fine soon. Good luck! =))

Answer #8

Well, I agree with people that you’ve had some bad ‘luck’ and made some bad (or at least difficult) choices, but I also do believe that it’s possible to be attacked by Satan. People who’ve read my other posts may be surprised by that - I’m not the sort of Christian who believes it’s a demon every time something goes ‘bang’ for example. I believe that most of the time Satan is just happy to sit back and watch us make a mess of our own and other people’s lives - we do his work for him, in a manner of speaking. But I do firmly believe that you are doing a good thing in trying to get back to God. And this is a moment that Satan doesn’t want to ‘sit back and watch’. He certainly would like to stop you.

The good news is that Christians believe Satan to be the eternal Loser. When Jesus died on the cross Satan was defeated, and even if he is trying to get in your way now, just remember that he’s the Loser and Jesus, who loves you and wants to honour your desire to get back on track with Him, is the Winner. Hold on to Him, as rnealw and goodgirl say, and He will hold on to you.

Answer #9

there is no god, and no one is attacking you.stop reading the bible, its lies

Answer #10

sounds like bad luck to me

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