
is catholic the only christian religion that has confession? Or do other denominations have it aswell??

Answer #1

I believe that other dinomonations have confession but, in different ways of confessing. I know in my religion, we have our Bishop/Branch President help us repent by revelation and he speaks to us through the spirit. So, the LDS religion is a little different then the Catholic church. As far as Lutherans, Baptists, ect. I don’t know how they do confession. From personal experience, since I’m LDS, I’ve had to confess just by repenting, and, it would be no big deal afterwords. Soon as I do something that wasn’t right, then I’d feel so guilty that I had to go directly to my Branch President of my LDS Church. The difference is, we don’t have pennance like the catholics do. And, pluss, we don’t have certain assignments to do like the Catholics. We as Mormons, just need to talk face to face and, get support from our leaders that hold the Preasthood. We just follow there counsel and, so forth. So, yes, I would think that other churches would have some kind of confession.

Answer #2

the actual act of confession is not limited to roman catholics. buddhists confess to a superior, lutherans may confess to their pastors, eastern orthodox as well as eastern catholics confess to their elder. all religions have confession, it just depends on whether you confess your sins to a person or directly to G-d through prayer.

Answer #3

I call the catholic confessional the sin car wash. You sin all you want, then go through the confessional, get dried off with an act of contrition, and then you get back on road to sin again…

Answer #4

The Bible says, “Confess your sins to one another”.

In the Roman Catholic church, this is taken as a specific ritual, where you visit the priest in a confessional box. The priest (correct me if I’m wrong) confesses his own sins to the bishop, and so on.

Other churches don’t have the ritual or the confessional, but the principle is still there. I’m a British Methodist, and I’ve personally confessed some stuff to my fellow Christians in the past. I thought it was significant and important to do. I got feedback, and I was able to integrate the feedback into my life, so that was good.

Yes, we should “carry everything to God in prayer” but He knows how human we are, how we need a face to talk to, and a voice to hear.

Answer #5

I’ve never heard of any other religions that have a confessional.

Answer #6

for me you don’t have to go to someone to confess. That is why jesus is so wonderful- you can go straight to him for advice. that pastor is not any closer to the spiirit of jesus christ than you are- jesus lives in all of us weather we believe it or not- go straight to jesus..thats the way for me- I can talk to him whenever I want!! WE ALL CAN!!

god bless

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