What is your religion/belief?

I’m just curious of what the people on this site believe in.

Answer #1

I’m a Christian, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, Amen !!

Answer #2

I am a Christian, and Jesus Christ, is my Lord.

Answer #3

I’m LDS/mormon. I get lots of criticisms when it comes to the LDS faith. In case you are wondering, LDS stands for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love my church and, I’ll never leave!!

Answer #4

I dont follow a specific religion. I dont’ feel that I have to have a religion to worship god it just puts your relationship ina box and thats not the way its supposed to be! I still go to a non-denominational church that I LOVE! But god is all about you and him!!

god bless

Answer #5

I am a White Protestant Loyalist. Athiast as well.

Answer #6

not bad, about as many athiest’s as christains. im athiest and believe no man should bow down to the gods. but I would bow to a mortal if he earned my respect. several people have pledged an alligence to me on one knee with a sword in my hand. mabey im the next prophet. manipulate the masses

Answer #7

I follow Jesus - I’m a Christian too.

Answer #8

athiast fo sho dudes, and dudets

Answer #9


  One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.  

de·ism (de’iz’?m, da’-) n.

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

Answer #10


Answer #11


Answer #12

I don’t have a religion. if I do, its one that most people don’t agree with I believe in nature thats it no god, no higher power everything is natural.

Answer #13

I believe in what I believe in!! can’t find a good religion for myself!!!

Answer #14

I’m a witch(tech. not a religion just a practice) I am a superstitious person & believe in life after death

Answer #15

I’m a philosophical naturalist.

Answer #16

I believe in myself…nothing more

Answer #17

Born again Christian

Answer #18

ooh I found a word for what I am! a deist!

Answer #19

Christian and I don’t have the holier than thou attitude!!!

Answer #20


Answer #21

I’m joining Filletofspam. (But my daughter said my choice of beer was pitiful. I may have to try another.)

Answer #22

I would say I’m more spiritual than religious.

Answer #23

I am wiccan

Answer #24

im christian yea I love jesus

Answer #25

Scholastic Agnostic.

Answer #26

I”m an agnostic.

Answer #27

I believe I’ll have another beer.

Answer #28

im a christian. I love JESUS

Answer #29

I live in the real world, not a fantasy one. I am an atheist.

And I believe in science…

Answer #30

agnostic / atheist.

Answer #31

I’m agnostic but it goes a lot deeper than that.

I don’t believe in a “God” or a creator but I do believe that there is a force out there that not everyone experiences at the same level. I believe in energies on our earth and having a higher awareness (opening the third eye). It’s that weird extra sense you get some times. Maybe you “just have a bad feeling” or just being around a certain person automatically puts you in a better mood. Those are the type of energies I’m talking about.

xox Sika

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