Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. God's judgement?
  2. Wicca Covens
  3. What is the percentage of muslims in america?
  4. History and the bible
  5. How to explain my decision to Christian parents... Help please!
  6. Creation myth help fast..! =]
  7. What should I do to keep my faith alive?Even when I am down(:-(
  8. Is she insane?
  9. Who will be the anti-christ
  10. Religion, why do we need it? Or rather, not need it?
  11. The right path with God
  12. Confirmation
  13. Is this an example of loving thy neighbor?
  14. Religious question please answer
  15. Bible says no aliens or something like that
  16. Dreams in hell
  17. Sick of Religion??
  18. Aetheist friend had cancer does this mean she's going to hell
  19. What do you think about sigils?
  20. Christians Supporting Evolution...
  21. Where is God?
  22. converting to islam
  23. Have you ever had a ghost experience?
  24. Did gabrial the arch angle have a rebellious relationship with god?
  25. Is listening to rap a sin?
  26. When is the best time to talk to ghosts?
  27. How can I control the ghosts?
  28. Regarding ramadan punctuality?
  29. Tarot cardss reading..what you think of it??
  30. Nightmare??
  31. Why is there a commercial about the world ending in 2012?
  32. Does anyone else speak to people who have died?
  33. What's up with 2012?
  34. Do you believe in god?
  35. Ghosts?
  36. How many of you have seen ghosts?
  37. Night terrors!
  38. can you be forgiven for suicide?
  39. On Jan. 1, 2013, will you realize the con artsist were full of it?
  40. Info on Buddhism.
  41. What was the big deal with 6/6/6
  42. How did God come to exist then...?
  43. Christian men, should they act or think like non-christian men.
  44. How to get God to appear to you?
  45. Really getting old.
  46. Why do I feel like god is punishing me?
  47. Is it wrong for someone to help someone that has been through bad t
  48. Have we all died and gone to hell?
  49. Can one live a holy life and how is that?
  50. have you ever seen a ghost ???
  51. The Apocalyso
  52. Vedic astrology and spiritualism
  53. what was God doing when he created heaven and earth?
  54. paper for class on violence in religion
  55. is god real?
  56. Bible Canon
  57. Too many Religions
  58. What are some facts disproving god for a christians point of view?
  59. Are Religious Beliefs Real or Fake?
  60. eve. satan. and a tree! (:
  61. How do you explain the conflicting arguments?
  62. Ramadan ok to drink a bit of water
  63. Is ghost real?...or is it just my imagination?...
  64. Does my dreams have a message?
  65. will cremation send their soal to heaven?
  66. What are some good spells to clear out the negetive energy?
  67. Survey for Christians (and others)
  68. Spirit lerking..think I'm being haunted
  69. Christian returning to god after years of being faithless
  70. How did Adam and Eve's kids have kids?
  71. what is jehovas witnesses?
  72. Reading the bible...
  73. Jehovah's Witness
  74. phsycic people...
  75. God says He is a jealous God???
  76. You people with your religion, give me headaches...
  77. Wiccan question
  78. Losing interest in my spirituality!!!
  79. spirit and soul?
  80. WHATS your SIGN
  81. How do I tell everyone I believe?
  82. Creationism
  83. Do any of you belive in jesus
  84. What about roslin chapple?
  85. does anyone knows real charms/spells?
  86. Sacrifice your family and even our children???
  87. Why Do People Worship the Devil When Dey Know they Gonna Go to hell
  88. Love spell--with a twist.
  89. What do Ouija Boards do ?
  90. What is the divine?
  91. Israel woman killed; cant remember her name
  92. apocalypse
  93. Catholicism
  94. Believers ... Does god want your success ?
  95. Offering
  96. masons.
  97. Staying Kosher
  98. Which religion is better
  99. Bahai religion
  100. Religion vs science