You people with your religion, give me headaches...

With your religion, give me headaches…

Dinosaurs arent real? Holy crap.

Yes, I suppose the government would support and pay for museums that cost millions if not billions of dollars, on fake stuff. Just to make you believe dinosaurs are real, when they really arent.

The amount of face palms I’ve done in the past 5 minutes reading this stuff is ridiculous.

Where do you get this stuff? And dont say the “bible”. I can write a fiction book and give it a certain name too. Doesnt mean its true.

Answer #1

So, er, what about that biblical literalism? You asked for inaccuracies, I provided them. Aren’t you going to refute them?

The bible foretells that this army from the east shall number 200 million people. Let’s face it, in 60 A.D. there were not even 200 million people alive on the planet, never-the-less fronting an army of that size… absolutely unheard of. Then in the 1960’s, in Time or Life magazine (I don’t remember exactly which but can find out if you want to know) published an interview with one of the chairmen for the republic of China. He boasted in the interview that he could front an army of 200 million members… the EXACT number prophesied. Coincidence?

Er, so where’s this army? Someone claiming they could produce an army of a given size is not an actual army - much less one marching on the middle-east.

The bible also foretells of a one world economy. I will bet that you could travel all over the world and pull out your credit cards and be accepted.

I must have missed the bit where the bible talks about credit cards.

None of these are clear examples of a prophecy that unambiguously indicates a single real world event. Sorry.

I can’t give any examples of things that ‘will happen’ as proof because unless they do occur and you can see it with your own eyes, you won’t believe it as undeniable proof.

You can make or provide a completely unambiguous prophecy so that when it does happen, you’ll be demonstrated to be right. The vaguenesses you’ve already quoted aren’t particularly useful in that regard.

However, why is it only Christians that are ever ‘smacked around’?

Because this site has many Christians such as yourselves who are determined that the bible is literally correct, but very few from any other religion. There are a few muslims who occasionally make such claims - and they get the same rational, evidence-based treatment.

I never hear of any of you condemning Islam or Hinduism or Buddhism or any of the other thousands of religions out there… Oh wait, the bible also foretold 2000 years ago that persecution against Christians would happen in the end times…

I’m constantly amazed that a group that makes up the majority of the population in most western countries nevertheless manages to claim they’re being persecuted. Try being an Atheist in a predominantly Christian country some time. Or gay. Or a Christian in an islamic country, where actual real, no fooling persecution happens.

People arguing with you is not persecution, and it’s not something that only Christians have to put up with. Part of living in a free society is that people can and will disagree with you - loudly, at times. Get off your high horse.

Answer #2

Lets say that science IS exactly, 100 percent, with NO doubt at all correct in that science states that the earth is 4.54 billion years old. It still doesn’t answer as to how it came into being, does it?

I never said it did.

Miracles can happen… the media reports about things happening all the time… things that science or the medical establishment cannot or does not have answers to. And whether they happen in today’s world or 2000 years ago is irrelevant.

Show me one miracle that has beed observed and confirmed through science?

Yes, I do believe in magic and the occult and have studied them deeply. There are things out there that man just does not have answers to. Would you agree with that statement?

Yes, I agree there is a lot of things that man doesn’t have the anwers for… yet. The point was about the bible, remember? There has not been one supernatural event in the bible that has ever been proven. But there have been many that have been disproven.

Have you studied the occult?

Not in depth

Do you believe in the possibility of spirits?


Do you believe in magic (and not the slight of hand variety)?


Do you believe in seers and healers, shamans, witchcraft, voodoo, the science and mind religions, divination (such as tarot, dowsing, taseomancy, necromancy, telepathy, extispicy, scrying, palmistry, astology, numerology, etc.)?

No to all of the above.

Do you realize that if you answered yes to any of the above, then you are stating that there are things that science may never have answers for?

Since I didn’t answer yes to any of them, your point is moot. But I concede that there are things science may never fully understand. So what? That doesn’t mean any other explanation is just as plausable. Particularaly those that are based on the supernatural.

Do you realize that you are stating that there is a ‘possibility’ that there is a spirit world alive and working throughout the world

I did nothing of the sort. But of course there is a possibility. There is also a possiblity leprechauns actually exist too.

(and that there may possibly, just possibly, be a God with whom you will have to answer to)?

And what exactly would I have to answer too? Was I bad person? No. Did I give to charity and help my fellow man? Yes. What would I have done that would be considered bad? Not believing an anceint test written by superstitious men about the existence of a being that created all of this? If he wanted believers he would reveal himself. Otherwise he is just playing games, and that to me would make him an vain, evil, and twisted god who casts people into hell because they couldn’t blindly believe.

However I actually rattled off about ten things that are all lining up with one another in accordance with what the bible says.

You rattled off vague references that you are now trying to fit to actual events. Where is the prediction that dams will be built that COULD possibly dry up the euphrates (even though that is not really true). Where is the description of planes and rockets? Strange things in the sky is not going to cut it. It is just like nostradmus. Keep the predictions vague, and then you will find many events in the future that could fit them.

Answer #3

Facts? The Christian bible is approximately 1/3 prophecy and approximately 2/3 of those prophesies have come true! This is a stated fact that archeologists and historians agree on. Do some research to find out more.

demonbreed states ‘I believe in facts. if it cant be proven by facts, wait 10 years and itll probably be proven’.

It seems that just when man is arrogant enough to think that he has the facts to support his research, that something will come along to disprove what used to be unquestionable fact. Remember the whole ‘world is flat’ idea? You could be locked up for even proposing that this wasn’t true because it was an absolute… Absolutely wrong. And that was only several hundred years ago!

The shroud of Turin at one time was said to be much, much older than later tests revealed because scientists realized that carbon deposits on the material (from burnt candles over the ages) actually skewed the results and showed that the carbon testing done was totally inaccurate and unreliable.

It was once a noted fact that bloodletting allowed disease to leave the body as the blood left the body. It was fact and practiced everywhere. We now know that this is untrue.

It seems that if the bible states something that the human mind cannot comprehend, it is titled fantasy and a tall-tale. However, when arrogant scientists state stupid, unverifiable facts such as ‘no two snowflakes are the exact same’, the public swallows it up with no questions asked. Even DNA… that unquestionable exact and reliable scientific solution has been shown to be not 100 percent (twins have the same DNA) along with the unknowable fact that someone, somewhere in the world could possibly have the same DNA as another person. It cannot be absolutely 100 percent verified… impossible.

What I am trying to say is that the knowledge of man and wisdom of God cannot be compared. Notice that I said ‘knowledge’ of man and ‘wisdom’ of God. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. What seems right to man can be totally wrong. Past evidence has showed this.

Answer #4

The bible expressly foresaw the rebuilding of the nation of Israel after thousands and thousands of years of slavery

It’s incredibly naive to assume that a ‘prophecy’ that depends on human-caused events and is part of a widely believed religion would be up to chance to be fulfilled. Israel is a state now in part due to the concerted effort of many people and governments - many of them motivated by the very prophecy you claim their actions are evidence of. If the temple does get rebuilt, it won’t be by people in ignorance of this claim - it’ll be by people specifically working to fulfil it. The misguided attempts to rebuild this temple are also the cause of much anguish and suffering in Israel and Palestine.

On the other hand, if this temple does get rebuilt, the end of the world would be pretty good evidence that it was accurate. That’s just a wee bit vague and distant, though.

All I’m asking for is an example of something that couldn’t be predicted or caused by human action - a natural disaster, for example - and is predicted clearly and unequivocably by the bible. For bonus points, give an example of where this has happened in the past - again, without possibility for misinterpretation, and where the event occurred after the texts in question were written. Should be easy to come up with both of those if the Bible is 1/3 prophecy.

The word of God as written in the bible (though you don’t believe) is perfect and doesn’t need to ‘correct itself’. Please show me where it has been undeniably proven wrong (without any possibility of doubt) and I will listen.

Where to start, where to start…

Of all clean birds ye shall eat. But these are they of which ye shall not eat: … the bat.–Dt.14:11, 18

And the hare, because he cheweth the cud.– Leviticus 11:6

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. - Mark 16:18

I’m particularly interested in the last one. Would you like to demonstrate that you can drink poison and be unharmed?

Answer #5


I could give you much more than one account…however because space is somewhat limited, I will give you the entirety of end times prophesy and the one thing to look for to confirm to you that it will happen. When it happens, you will remember these words.

The bible expressly foresaw the rebuilding of the nation of Israel after thousands and thousands of years of slavery (by Egypt, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and the Roman Empires). For thousands of years, the Jews wandered (hence the term wandering Jew) without a homeland until, remarkably in 1948, immediately after World War II, their land was reestablished.

All of bible prophesy is geared around Israel, the Jewish people and the third rebuild/destruction of the Jewish Temple in their land. Their temple was destroyed twice already, as foretold (research and you will see this is fact). Currently, the Islamic ‘Temple on the Mount’ is standing in the exact location of where the Jewish temple is be rebuilt. There has been some mention that the architectural plans are ready, however the land is not. We do not know how or when the third temple will be rebuilt, and it does seem like it will be impossible to happen. However, when it happens you will know that the time is short and that the word of God and His promises will come to fruition.

If you ever research eschatology you will see just how many things have come and gone that were foretold and have happened. Like I say, I just don’t want to get that in depth at that time unless you do a little more research yourself. There are a lot of television documentaries that may enlighten you as to history and how things have worked out told from Christian, scientific and secular viewpoints. These facts are not skewed because they are documented by believers as well as unbelievers alike.

Finally, like I said earlier, science is constantly reworking its theories and (as you say ‘correcting itself) because it needs to. The word of God as written in the bible (though you don’t believe) is perfect and doesn’t need to ‘correct itself’. Please show me where it has been undeniably proven wrong (without any possibility of doubt) and I will listen.

Answer #6

Are you sure that the earth is not 4.53 billion years old? Are you positively sure that life is not 3.48 billion years old?

Are you serious? Are you really saying that if they are off by less than .01%, than its perfectly logical to think they could be off by 4.5 billion (less 6000) years?

Just a thought since you are claiming undeniable fact without possibility of being off.

What I am saying is evolution has occured. It has been observed. We can trace the development of life with great accuracy. They know this through fossil records and radioligical dating. When people say the ‘theory’ of evolution, they are refering to the mechanism of how it works, not whether it happens at all. It is a fact that it occurs. Just as the theory of gravity descirbes how it works, There is no doubt that is occurs.

Science has disproved many things in the bible. Including miracles. That is unless you believe in magic? But I guess you do.

Answer #7

Lets say that science IS exactly, 100 percent, with NO doubt at all correct in that science states that the earth is 4.54 billion years old. It still doesn’t answer as to how it came into being, does it?

Well, we know in general how planets form. I presume you’re talking about true ‘first causes’, though, and you’re right - it doesn’t answer as to first causes. The important thing is that it doesn’t - the science behind determining the age of the earth is complete and sufficient in and of itself, and it doesn’t need to explain the rest of the universe in order to be shown to be accurate.

And yes, we don’t currently have any solid theories on the origin of the universe - but nor does anyone else - not any that stand up to inspection. And sometimes, no answer is better than a bad one.

Miracles can happen… the media reports about things happening all the time… things that science or the medical establishment cannot or does not have answers to.

The trouble is, they’re all anecdotes - not observed under controlled conditions - and they’re all things that could happen naturally anyway. Show me an amputee spontaneously regrowing their limb, and I’ll concede that we’re seeing something that’s outside the realm of what we can currently explain.

Yes, I do believe in magic and the occult and have studied them deeply. There are things out there that man just does not have answers to. Would you agree with that statement?

Yes, I would. But “don’t have the answers” isn’t the same as “can’t get the answers”. And asserting that we don’t know the answers to something doesn’t make it true - most of the occult relies on making up mystery where there really is none. And even if there really is something we don’t understand going on, that doesn’t make the occult correct about what that is.

Answer #8

I would also like to step back into this for this specific quote

Why are there still crocodiles that lived ‘billions’ of years ago?

ever heard of the phrase “dont fix it if its not broken” ?

clearly, if they are living perfectly in this world and have been for millions or even billions of years, what reason is there to evolve?

the Darwinism theory of evolution was created, I believe, when he traveled to the Galapagos Islands, and found different kinds of finches that had special characteristics that made it different, and able to survive on the islands, due to the habitat/environment. I.e. evolution. are the different types of finch beaks he had discovered. each belong to a type of finch which evolved to their environment, so they could eat what is necessary. the larger beaks are for crushing, while the smaller beaks are for eating insects

Different populations also became specialized for different food sources, birds with thin, sharp beaks eating insects and birds with large, sturdy beaks eating nuts.

quoted from

know that, the birds aren’t born with the choice of what they eat, they evolved a certain way to eat a certain food source.

ALSO wanted to say something to arachnid…


Answer #9

Jimahl (and captainassassin)…

You are right and I apologize. I was being childish when I stated that a margin of error demeaned your whole data. I was just trying to make you understand that you were being arrogant in stating that you had the exact answers.

Lets say that science IS exactly, 100 percent, with NO doubt at all correct in that science states that the earth is 4.54 billion years old. It still doesn’t answer as to how it came into being, does it? Big bang? Well what caused that event to happen? Evolution? Well what caused the very first germ to come into being? Nor does it even deny the fact that possibly divinity created it in a set time period (‘days’ in the bible did not necessarily mean a 24 hour period as you now know it). I will admit… I do not have the answers (at least from a secular viewpoint). But I am also not so arrogant to say that science does.

I am no scientist, but (and maybe I am like a child in this aspect) I could keep asking ‘but how did that occur’ to every question you were to ask. Sooner or later, I would have you not only frustrated, but unable to answer the main, first question of who made it (or caused it to happen) in the first place.

Also, I read some more into the scientific data that you gave… all of these figures (4.54 billion) are based on ‘calculations’… a straight line formed from a beginning point to another point and then extended out from there assuming that it moves in a perfectly straight line. I assume you know that even the slightest ‘fluctuation’ in a degree can throw the end result way, way off. In other words, if you take a protractor and set it to exactly 10 degrees, and extended line that runs 10 miles will take you to a certain point. However, if you take the protractor and set it to a 10.0000000000000001 degree and then run a 10 mile line along that setting, it will take you in a totally different place. Just a thought.

Miracles can happen… the media reports about things happening all the time… things that science or the medical establishment cannot or does not have answers to. And whether they happen in today’s world or 2000 years ago is irrelevant.

Yes, I do believe in magic and the occult and have studied them deeply. There are things out there that man just does not have answers to. Would you agree with that statement? Have you studied the occult? Do you believe in the possibility of spirits? Do you believe in magic (and not the slight of hand variety)? Do you believe in seers and healers, shamans, witchcraft, voodoo, the science and mind religions, divination (such as tarot, dowsing, taseomancy, necromancy, telepathy, extispicy, scrying, palmistry, astology, numerology, etc.)?

Do you realize that if you answered yes to any of the above, then you are stating that there are things that science may never have answers for? Do you realize that you are stating that there is a ‘possibility’ that there is a spirit world alive and working throughout the world (and that there may possibly, just possibly, be a God with whom you will have to answer to)?

As they say in court… reasonable doubt means even the remotest, slightest, tiniest chance that leads even the smallest sliver of doubt in a person’s mind needs to be considered.

Finally, in answer to captainassassin’s remarks on coincidence, coincidence and coincidence (3). However I actually rattled off about ten things that are all lining up with one another in accordance with what the bible says.

I could take two puzzle pieces and observe that they fit together… You would say ‘coincidence’ (and I would probably, too). What if I took three and they fit together? I would probably get you to say ‘coincidence’ again. Again with a fourth piece. And a fifth. And a sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and so on. I just gave you TEN PIECES above… army of the east, Euphrates River dried up, strange things in the sky, nuclear war, one world economy, one world religion, one world government, increased knowledge at astounding rates, state of Israel, mark of the beast to come. Looking at any two or three at a time, I would agree with you… coincidence. However, you do have to agree that when the scriptures were written 2000 years ago, these all would have seemed unbelievable and absolutely ‘undescribeable’ to man at that time, especially now that they are all converging together at breakneck speed and for the first (and only) time in history.

Anyways, thanks to both of you for taking the time to at least read my statements and give even the slightest thought to what I am saying. My intention is not to ‘convert you’… it really makes no difference to me what happens to you. My intention, however is to make you think that maybe there is a possibility that you don’t want to hear and would rather deny.

Answer #10

Although, jimahl, science has not disproved the six day thing…

Yes it has.

I know they claim the earth was formed over billions of years, but once again that is not 100 percent proven, either.

It is not just a claim. It is has been confirmed through scientific process. They know was formed 4.54 billion years ago.

It may have only took 990 million years and not billions.

They know it is billions. In fact they know the first life to appear on the planet was 3.5 billion years ago. These are not guesses. These are facts.

It is impossible to know without some form of doubt.

No it isn’t. It is very possible, because they have done it.

One of my favorite moments in television is when Phoebe and Ross (on the show Friends) are disputing the theory of evolution. Phoebe, after much ‘badgering’ actually gets Ross to admit that there could be a slight chance that he, and the science community, is wrong. She then starts gloating and laughing, saying that she can’t believe he ‘caved in’.

That was only a TV show and not reality. Reality is that there is no doubt the earth was formed, just like every other planet, from cosmic materials into a sphere, and that within a billion years of being formed, the first life appeared, and that all life on the planet evolved from that point. It is a fact.

Answer #11

arachnid and jimahl…

Let me start by saying that you both make some valid points and I am glad that you are interested in debating these with me! Let’s face it… I don’t think that we will see eye to eye on this, but that is alright. This discussion does give us things to think about and that is not a bad thing.

Although, jimahl, science has not disproved the six day thing… I know they claim the earth was formed over billions of years, but once again that is not 100 percent proven, either. It may have only took 990 million years and not billions. It is impossible to know without some form of doubt. One of my favorite moments in television is when Phoebe and Ross (on the show Friends) are disputing the theory of evolution. Phoebe, after much ‘badgering’ actually gets Ross to admit that there could be a slight chance that he, and the science community, is wrong. She then starts gloating and laughing, saying that she can’t believe he ‘caved in’.

arachnid, you asked for an example of something foretold 2000 years ago that has come to pass. I will give you an example and then you can tell me what you think of this.

Over 2,000 years ago, it was foretold that, in the book of Revelation regarding the end times, that an army from the east shall march to the middle east and get involved with a final war (armageddon). The bible foretells that this army from the east shall number 200 million people. Let’s face it, in 60 A.D. there were not even 200 million people alive on the planet, never-the-less fronting an army of that size… absolutely unheard of. Then in the 1960’s, in Time or Life magazine (I don’t remember exactly which but can find out if you want to know) published an interview with one of the chairmen for the republic of China. He boasted in the interview that he could front an army of 200 million members… the EXACT number prophesied. Coincidence?

It was also prophesied 2000 years ago that the Euphrates River would be dried up to make way for the armies that will gather at Armageddon. Back then, there was no way of shutting off river flows, but now there are dams built on those rivers than can do so. Coincidence?

It was also foretold about strange things happening in the sky. Back then missiles and aircraft would appear to be ‘strange things in the sky’. The bible tells us that men in battle will have their skin burn off of their bones so quickly that the body will not have even had time to fall to the ground. Welcome to the world of nuclear war. Coincidence?

The bible also foretells of a one world economy. I will bet that you could travel all over the world and pull out your credit cards and be accepted. It tells us that in the end times that knowledge will be increased at an alarming speed and that you will know instantaneously at the very moment that things are happening. It also tells of one world goverment… welcome United Nations (formed in 1948 from the previous League of Nations). One world religion will also be created and enforced. By the way, a United Religions organization was started in the 90’s and took place at the Presidio, in California. As previously mentioned, the state of Israel became a state in 1948. It mentions that without the mark of the beast, man will not be able to buy or sell. Believe it or not, about a year ago a science professor in California was the first to take a chip in his hand. This chip contains all information about the person. Needless to say, the bible states that the mark will be on a persons hand or forehead. Coincidence?

These are just a few of the many examples that I could give. I can’t give any examples of things that ‘will happen’ as proof because unless they do occur and you can see it with your own eyes, you won’t believe it as undeniable proof.

By the way, I would like to ask both of you just one important question… the original question on this posting was… ‘You people with YOUR RELIGION, give me headaches’ (emphasis mine).

However, why is it only Christians that are ever ‘smacked around’? I never hear of any of you condemning Islam or Hinduism or Buddhism or any of the other thousands of religions out there… Oh wait, the bible also foretold 2000 years ago that persecution against Christians would happen in the end times… Sorry… just another example.

Answer #12

Facts? The Christian bible is approximately 1/3 prophecy and approximately 2/3 of those prophesies have come true!

Alright. Name us one - just one - prophecy that has yet to come true but could clearly explain only one real-world event, so that there’ll be no doubt when it happens.

This is a stated fact that archeologists and historians agree on.

Which archaeologists and historians? Name some, please.

Remember the whole ‘world is flat’ idea? You could be locked up for even proposing that this wasn’t true because it was an absolute… Absolutely wrong. And that was only several hundred years ago!

Ironic that you should mention that. It’s science that corrects itself when wrong, and that’s why we now know the world is not flat. Religion, in contrast, insists that things are true even after they’ve been proven otherwise.

Answer #13

Coincidence? Coincidence? Coincidence?

Yes, yes, and YES. Or more accurately… a heavily subjective interpretation of abstract imagery; in attempt to validate an ancient text in a modern world.

Answer #14

wait wait wait wait WAIT. katty, is that serious? atheists live our lives quietly. THEISTS are the ones who are ALWAYS trying to impose their religion on other people (see pledge of allegiance). I simply just got sick of it, and thought I’d try it on for size =)

and dont deny you guys dont, because I’ve had people outside my fricken school trying to impose religion on kids. not to mention the ones who go door to door. (not just Jehovah’s or Mormons)

and toadaly, il bite on your “faking 9/11”. while we may not know EVER what truly happened, I AM aware that there was an internal explosion in the towers an instant before the first plane crashed. HOOOWWWEVER, it is fact that the planes were taken over by afghani’s. So if theyre able to do that, imagine how easy it would be to have intel. sneak in a bomb suit case?

hell il even bite on your area 51 theory. granted, I believe in other life forms. if you think were the only ones out there in the vast universe, your crazy. (indirect) there are life forms living deep in the sea, so deep that MAN can not even BUILD something that can go so deep. so, if FISH can adapt to that kind of environment, shouldnt other living organisms be able to adapt to other intense environments as well?just because we survive off of oxygen doesnt mean everything needs to. hell, plants even live off of carbon dioxide, a gas that would kill humans and animals. luckily theres more plants than animals on this planet.

in conclusion to that paragraph: even tho im sure theres another planet SOMEWHERE out there that is somewhat like ours, a planet does NOT need to be even remotely like ours to inhabit living creatures. so perhaps there ARE aliens in area 51. but do you realize the mass chaos that would arise if the government told us? somethings we just arent meant to know, so the gov. protects us from it.

dont get me wrong tho. im not a fan of the gov. myself. theyre pretty dirty guys.

I don’t know anything about the FDIC however.

as for the moon landing, give me a break.

demonbreed, -out.

Answer #15

well the bible dose speek on facts

How do you know? You don’t even have proof that it is the true word of your god, so how can you possible know that it is factual. Faith IS NOT proof.

and you dont belive that so do you mean you only belive in facts told by the white man

That sure didn’t sound racists :o…

facts like christoper culumbus all that other bull they teach in school cause fact What other bull do they teach in school? Why go to school then if it’s a bunch of nonsense

he didnt discover NOTHING You obviously haven’t been listening in class. Here’s a link to EDUCATE yourself.

is that the history you belive in well the world began long be for that Scientist knows that the world began long before Christopher Columbus…it doesn’t take a very intelligent person to figure that out.

and fact.. it did start with god And who or what created your god? Ever thought of that…Do you have a theory yet as to how that happened.

I said mans history books are false So that includes the bible then…after all it was also written by man.

everthing thing get twisted Exactly, just like you just turned around the whole conversation and are twisting history…

Answer #16

I actually rattled off about ten things that are all lining up with one another in accordance with what the bible says.

No, you didn’t. Your definition of ‘accordance’ is flawed by your own subjective agenda. They don’t fit together, you just want them to. The ‘boasted’ Chinese army from the 60s (40 years ago), somehow being connected to end times (that still haven’t happened yet), is probably the most hilarious one you provided.

Answer #17

The fool says in his heart that there is no God.

Oh my… how enchanting…

Its as if you were quoting the Bible or something… u___u

Answer #18

If there is that possibility, then your figures are not fact.

Every measurement has a margin of error. Outside the realm of pure math, reality is not amenable to exact measurements. Claiming that something isn’t true because it’s not precise is stupid.

And on a final point, if evolution is completely and undeniably correct and accurate, then why have some things stopped evolving.

Er, nothing has ‘stopped evolving’.

Why are there still crocodiles that lived ‘billions’ of years ago?

There aren’t. There are modern day species that are similar to ancient species, but they’re not identical.

Answer #19


Are you sure that the earth is not 4.53 billion years old? Are you positively sure that life is not 3.48 billion years old?

If there is that possibility, then your figures are not fact.

And on a final point, if evolution is completely and undeniably correct and accurate, then why have some things stopped evolving. Why are there still crocodiles that lived ‘billions’ of years ago? Shouldn’t everything be moving at the same evolutionary speed?

Just a thought since you are claiming undeniable fact without possibility of being off.

Answer #20

Please show me where it has been undeniably proven wrong (without any possibility of doubt) and I will listen.

It says the world was created in 6 days. Science has been proven that to be false. It says god created man from the earth. Evolution has been proven to be the way man came to be here. It says there was a global flood. Again, science has proven this to be impossible.

I could go on, but what is the point. You will deny these things have been proven.

Answer #21

The fool says in his heart that there is no God.

Oh, please spare us the religious BS, there is no proof that there is a god.

Answer #22

well my bad then XD

I don’t know if it was edited or not, but if you watch the video of the first plane in slo-mo, theres an explosion before the plane. like I said, well never know the whole truth.

  1. The Twin Tragedies: The Twin Lines of Ignominy

“A little after 9 am on September 11th, hijacked planes began their deadly assaults on U.S. targets. A little before 9 pm on October 7th, U.S. and British planes and missiles hit 40 planned targets across Afghanistan with 50 cruise missiles and 40 planes.5 Questions were raised whether a target existed in Afghanistan worth Raytheon’s $1 million Tomahawk missile.6 Revenge was underway.7 In both instances, thousands of utterly innocent civilians would perish, lives and landscapes would be changed forever - whether in Manhattan or in neighborhoods and villages across Afghanistan.” - states it WAS afghani terrorists.

and just because WE do not have the technology, doesnt mean someone else doesnt ;) humans are a young species, and the avg one only uses 10% of their brain. imagine what we would be capable of with the other 90%? perhaps others elsewhere can use said extra intel.

speculations, speculations. :D

Answer #23

Just because you do not believe in Gods word does not mean it is not. Just know that He is the reason you are alive and he created those dinos and everything else for that matter. There is a creator, we originate from something greater than the human brain can comprehind when not opened to the truth. I hope you allow your soul that cries out for freedom to receive the freedom that it searches for. God gives us all not one but more than enough opportunities to get to know Him, so I hope you realize what a great time it is in which you live and that grace, the opportunity that God gives us to live in Holiness is for you if you want it. people put up fronts and try to act like they are happy, but deep down inside you know what I am saying. At night when everyone is gone and there is no one to distact you from the real feelings you have, you just want to feel peace and true love, worth and hope. only through a personal relationship with God can you accomplish this. He is the giver of life. I do not believe in the scare tactics of telling people about God, I prefer for them to know the truth. God does not need you, me or any one else. We are the ones who need Him!!!

Answer #24

just throwing this out there enna Christopher Columbus isn’t white, he’s Spanish

nothing comes from nothing, the big bang theory never stated anything comes from nothing 1, 2, you do know there are more theories than the big bang, right?

Mayans were more accurate. Though they’ve no books, they have stone temples. as for the bible being accurate, I take it you really do believe in dragons, giants, and other such creatures? The big flood, never happened, it would of taken 3 and a half times more the water on earth to flood the entire earth, and where would it all of gone? Debunked Dinosaurs did exist, man and dinosaurs didn’t live together otherwise there wouldn’t be layers in the earths crust portraying these layers as they are, you would find human and dinosaurs in the same layer. debunked The Earth is not the center of the galaxy, a super massive black hole is, so again, the bible is debunked. my apologies if I seem rude, that time of month 1_~

Answer #25

I feel sorry for you if the only faith that you have in your heart is only in man. The “fool says in his heart that there is no God.”

Answer #26

I’m not speaking of all atheists, just the really bad hard core ones.

My point stands: Comparing ‘extreme’ atheists, who argue with you, with ‘extreme’ christians, who blow up abortion clinics, or ‘extreme’ muslims who strap bombs to themselves is not really an apples-to-apples comparison.

Answer #27

I’m not speaking of all atheists, just the really bad hard core ones. The ones I know in any case. Just mention the word religion and you have them telling you how wrong it is and why you shouldn’t believe in anything and that you’re stupid etc etc. The rest of them are fine.

Answer #28

atheists live our lives quietly. Hardcore atheists are just as bad as hardcore theists. I’ve seen so many atheists that every time someone posts a religious question immediately tell them it’s BS and they are stupid for believing. Just as bad as those bible bashers that think that everyone is going to hell.

So don’t GENERALIZE, both are equally guilty.

Answer #29

Ok well 1st I think I love everyone on here that wasn’t afraid to speak facts. And May I just say your bible written my men have ideas that are racist, sexiest, and you can tell no god would say any of this was ok if so then why not just make white men and nothing else ya… Farther more it is based on all lies everything that happened with Jesus supposedly happened for the first time but the Egyptians wrote about it thousands of years earlier saying that the exact same thing happened hmmm thats weird I wonder if the Egyptians took a time machine to the future and then took all your Christan ideas ya thats probably what happened

Answer #30

* I’m related to someone who died working on the shuttle for the moon landing

Which moon landing utilized a shuttle? confused

Answer #31

Hardcore atheists are just as bad as hardcore theists.

Right. I see just as many atheist doorknockers as religous ones. Not to mention those annoying atheists who stand on streetcorners proclaiming that you’re probably not doomed to eternal torture because there’s almost certainly no god. And the atheist suicide bombers and fanatical killers of abortion doctors? Don’t even get me started!

Answer #32

No, really, we all use all of our brains. The brain costs a huge amount of energy and resources to maintain; if it was underutilized, evolution would have evolved us much smaller brains long ago.

Answer #33

demonbreed. I believe toadaly was joking. I do not think he is a conspiracy theorist.

Notice the word ‘snark’?

The twin towers did not have an internal explolsion. The planes were hijacked by mostly suadis, not afghanis, and flew them into the towers. That is what made them fall, nothing else.

There are no aliens in area 51. I agree that there has got to be other planets with intelligent life. The laws of probability say there has to be. But to think that among the virtually infinite number of stars and planets that two with inteligent life would be able to find each other is virtually impossible. And with what we know about the physical universe right now, insterstellar travel is impossible. There is no such thing as warp drive.

Answer #34

I’ld have to disagree with you on the moon landing, I’m related to someone who died working on the shuttle for the moon landing

didn’t think you’ld defent the bible katty the way they bash on other religions and such, but hey, it’s your own life

demonbreed20 I’ld have to agree with you here buddy it really is ludicrous, aye but I woulndn’t be surprised if the governemt did watse money on fake things I mean hell, they spend like 100$ on a fricken hammer(no joke), but hey, least it’s more money for the people, I guess. never know with the government.

Answer #35

I didnt mean literally. figuratively speaking, the avg only use 10%, while the people who arent afraid of thinking go beyond. compare the small ratio of genius scientists, to the large number of idiots, and ud see what I mean. if humans could ALL use their brains like theyre made to, we could band together and create better things. 2 brains is better than one after all.

heres some examples of the said avg.

Answer #36

humans are a young species, and the avg one only uses 10% of their brain. imagine what we would be capable of with the other 90%?

Continuous siezures. Seriously - only 10-20% of our neurons are firing at any one time. That doesn’t mean we’re using only 10-20% of our brain.

Did you know that at least half the bits on your hard drive are zeros? Imagine what we could do if we used them all!

Answer #37

Hi there, I think that was very rude of you. Whats the point of writing that? You can have free will and your faith is your own but dont go around trying to stomp on someone elses. Who are you to do such a thing?

Answer #38

* Yes, I suppose the government would support and pay for museums that cost millions if not billions of dollars, on fake stuff.

Well, they faked 9/11, they faked the moon landing, they hide that fact that aliens are wandering around in area 51, and they tell us the FDIC is solvent, so why not?

:snark: (for those wondering if Poe’s law was applicable)

Answer #39

Christopher Columbus isn’t white, he’s Spanish

Not that it matters, but spaniards, those from spain are considered caucasion. They are not the same thing as hispanics. They are spanish speaking people in latin america, decended from indigineous peoples mixed with europeans and africans.

Answer #40

I never said faith is a fact I simiply stated a fact

…no you didn’t… you stated your BELIEFS. Your beliefs aren’t facts.

Answer #41

“there is no book in existence that has been as authentic as the bible” [citation needed]

“nothin comes from nothin”

Oh, except your god, right? Because he’s maaagic!

Answer #42

nothin comes from nothin, thats why the big bang theory is so watery how can atoms and molecules come from nothin to create soemthing, its needs simple cognitivie awekening, and simple logic

Show me one scientist that says that atoms and molecules came from nothing? You obviously know nothing about the big bang theory. You should read about it before you make yourself look anymore foolish.

God does not need you, me or any one else.

Then why does he require us to worship him? He obviously needs his ego stroked.

Answer #43

camalulul, if you took like two seconds to read around and see what’s going on, you’d know. the joke isn’t on the creator of the question, it’s on the people arguing over such thing.

Answer #44

I never said faith is a fact I simiply stated a fact and all I did was try to get some understanding on what it is that you belive in you say the bible is false and I said mans history books are false but its all a matter of what you learn if you are taught those thing you well be more prone into beliving them thats all iam saying

Answer #45

well the bible dose speek on facts and you dont belive that so do you mean you only belive in facts told by the white man ??? facts like christoper culumbus all that other bull they teach in school cause fact … he didnt discover NOTHING>>> is that the history you belive in well the world began long be for that and fact.. it did start with god

Answer #46

enna im not even going to reply to that. not only because I dont understand half of what you said, but because you took it to a completely different level.

Answer #47

“ fact.. it did start with god “ no enna, faith is NOT fact and untill what you beleive in proves that its real, all it is is faith

Answer #48

its my religion–its my choice. =] id like it if you backed off some about the bible… =] thankees!! =] (oh, and im not trying to be rude… =])

Answer #49

I believe in facts. if it cant be proven by facts, wait 10 years and itll probably be proven.

Answer #50

there is no book in existence that has been as authentic as the bible, so simple and yet so supernatural, mankind is lost, generations have come and gone and yet they fail to understand that if a computer exists, somebody made it, if an orange exists, it came from a seed which came from an orange from a tree, which came from somebody, whose that somebody. nothin comes from nothin, thats why the big bang theory is so watery how can atoms and molecules come from nothin to create soemthing, its needs simple cognitivie awekening, and simple logic

Answer #51

Oh, it gets crazier than that. Most creationists don’t believe that dinosaurs didn’t exist - they believe they lived at the same time as humans. Oh, and that when in the garden of eden, they were vegetarians. Yes, those enormous pointy teeth were for tearing up vegetation, don’t you know.

And, of course, that the world was created 6000 years ago, about the time the Babylonians invented Beer.

Answer #52

their is no jokes on anyone not even the creator he posted a very valid comment people are so touchy over the subject that everthing thing get twisted I was just wondering how he felt on other topic am a very open minded person and I like him look for facts if someone poses a comment but dosnt like what they hear they should not be narrow minded when you are in front of knowlage you might learn somthing new that all

Answer #53

Not all people of faith think dinosaurs are fake…in fact, if you watch the movie “religulous” from Bill Maher, you’ll see a catholic priest, from the Vatican, saying that the bible is just a nice collection of stories…quite refreshing to see that kind of thing, really.

It’s problematic to say all members of any given belief system are morons just because a few zealots have issues.

Answer #54

if our religion gives you headaches, dont listen -_-

Answer #55

God does not need you, me or any one else.

If that is so, why does he NEED people to worship him?

Answer #56

what do you belive in?

Answer #57


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