Is listening to rap a sin?

listening to rap is a sin??

Answer #1

Yes,if the Lyrics are abusive in a way that people can be led to hurt or complicate other lives or your self,you must use your own judgement.

Answer #2

Yeah You arent going to hell for listening to rap. Thats like going to hell for liking chocolate chip cookies

Answer #3

I don’t know but I’ve never heard of that… but I dont really like all that much rap. :) I know im going to hell anyways tho

Answer #4

hahaha if it is then im allready there.

no! thats just stupid to think that. most rappers get there inspiration from the streets and where they was brought up from,and who they are. im pretty much sure that’s not a sin. ohh and here’s something I go by. “im allready in hell so I gotta make it out of hell and make it too heaven” =] or as 50 cent said in 1 of his songs…”gotta make it to heaven from going threw hell”

Answer #5

How this could be true? Now, it depends what kind of “rap” you listen to :)

Answer #6

yeah it is.. may god have mercy on you sinner..

xD na its nott

Answer #7

hell no (lol I made a pun)

Answer #8

Any music that doesn’t worship god is a sin. Says it in the book of mark.

Answer #9

If it is,that’s gay. Most sins are retarded,anyway. So,here I come Hell! Yeee! XD

Answer #10

Oh please… No it isn’t. The Bible is fake.

Answer #11

in my opinion, I dont consider listening to a type of music a sin (even tho the words can be harsh).. you didnt make the song so its not your fault.. and besides all sins are meant to be forgiven. thats why jesus died on the cross.

Answer #12

NO music is a sin to listen too. its just sounds, beats, GOD created them.

NOW, listening to sinful lyrics is a different thing. if your listening to rap music that contains sex, drug use (indulging and hurting your body), greed, love for material possessions (money) and so forth, then yes its sinful to listen to this kind of lyrics.

there are also christian rap bands you know.

so no.

rap is not a sin to listen to. its also not a sin to listen to people make music about there own sins. (just like listening to someone give you a testimony of their sins) but im guessing if your agreeing to the sinful lyrics that are bieng heard through your ears…then I guess it would be a sin to listen to sinful lyrics

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