Is she insane?

My best friend thinks her room is haunted. Do you think ghosts are real or is she insane?

Answer #1

I beileve in ghost from past experiences so I dont think she is crazy

Answer #2

ummm… dont let her watch anything higher than pg

Answer #3

Ghost Are Completely Real. Watch CI One day mann geeze

Answer #4

I think she is insane…tell her not to watch horror movies…lol

Answer #5

Theres not really any information there I have seen and heard gohsts so no I dont think she is crazy but as a friend dont walk out on her and dont judge her help her out there are ways to tell if there is a haunting..look up local gohst hunters they will have equipment to prove or dissprove a haunting. Good luck hope you find out

Answer #6

I personally do not believe in ghosts. Your friend is not insane. If she believes in them so be it, you shouldn’t really judge her :)


Answer #7

her eyes and ears are just playing tricks on her.

seems like she jsut saw a horror movie not to long ago.

she is not insane just frightened

Answer #8

Personally I don’t belive in them since I never have seen any real ones.. And a t.v show can be animated and editted to make things appear and happen all you need is a green screen… Anyways.

Funadvice is a split party but still a commuity. ( Catholic and atheist perhaps..? ) And because of that reason, Certain questions will get both answers… Mostly one that depend on spiritulness or somethng religious… Or political.

Answer #9

Unfortunately (fortunately?), things that involve religious or spiritual matters are very tricky and one can rarely be diagnosed with a mental illness when one has certain beliefs, I suppose mainly because those beliefs are shared by so many people… So she’s probably not insane. Whether or not they’re real, well that’s a whole other issue.

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