is god real?

ok,soo,ya know how god made the world in like 6 DAYS and on the 6th day he made adam?how is that possible when there evidence dinosaurs were here millions of YEARS before humanity?

Answer #1

–it’s hard to believe that anything else but god could form such complex beings like ourselves and everything else around us.–

If you consider a perfect all-powerful being existed uncreated, then why couldn’t you our own universe?

Things that god is used to explain can be explained through science.

There’s no scientific evidence for god, but there is plenty in favour of science.

God did not create humanity or the earth- Highly irrational

Our star formed from a dense cloud of intersteller gas contracting in, under gravity, leaving gas that revolved around it, that would give rise to our solar system. The planets formed out of the accretion of matter that revolved around the star after its formation. As the matter accreted and grew into planetesimals, they collided and drew more matter and debris to them by gravity. The planets have their properties due to adapting to their size, distance from the sun, composition, geology, etc. and are sphere because of their density, mass and gravity making it an inveitable shape.

The Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, how it got to where it is now is a subject of geology. In Earth’s earlier conditions, simple organisms were able to develope and evolved and adapted into more complex creatures over millions of years.

Humans evolved from hominids, that evolved from earlier primates, that evolved from earlier mammals, that evolved from mammal-like reptiles, that evolved from amphibians, that evolved from protoamphibians (acanthostega), that evolved from ancestral fish…

…and all the way back to the single-celled organisms.

Answer #2


I am sorry for the way I came across in my message and I do apologize. I was more worked up when you callously stated “its just absolutely ridiculous. its a f_cking book. words on a f_cking page that you blindly follow…” I would expect to hear that from an entertainer like Marilyn Manson or Anton Levay but not on a website where people are innocently asking questions about faith and God and looking for help in understanding.

You are entirely right in that you do have a right to defend your ideals and beliefs and I whole-heartedly agree, as that is what makes this country special above all others. The key word here though, is ‘defend (being defensive)’ and not offense (or being aggressive or offensive).

I will admit, I too struggle sometimes to understand why things work the way they do (what I call God’s ways). The bible is hard to understand, hard to relate to at times and may even seem to contradict itself at times. The Old and New Testaments sometimes seem different from one another. It was written by different men over the course of 100 years (New Testament) but it always has one over-riding theme… God’s love for you!

I am self employed and as this economy has dried up, and I have been practically brought to tears wondering how I am going to pay the bills. But I am placing my faith that God will provide for me and my family. He has never let me down yet. Not in that I always get what I want, but I always get what I need to get me through.

I can tell that you feel strongly about your position and I am extremely glad to hear that you are in search for truth. I also personally know what it is and I am hoping that one day you find it. Never discount the possibilities that there is a God that loves you more than anything.

And if it takes even a lifetime before you see that, then great! I wish you well in your future and in your search for calm and peace and I again apologize for the way I came across to you. Take care.

Answer #3

and just what ‘proof’ is there. the bible? ha. the bible was written by man, whom had no more or less the right or truth than you and I. its just absolutely ridiculous. its a fcking book. words on a fcking page that you blindly follow and live you life in accordance to. and dont even get me started on the contradictions and many flaws of the bible. I would really looove to see some hard straight up evidence to prove anything in your precious book. ha! let me know when you find something worth believing. stop being such a coward that you need to believe there is some higher being that is going to come and save you and give you eternal life. its like you want a fcking reward for being a decent person. in my opinion it shouldnt be that hard to know how to be a good person and live right. I dont need a book or promises of something as extravagant and bogus as heaven and hell. you live the best life you can. (the life that your real mother and father gave you) try to live a happy and ethically rightious life, you get old a die. what more do you want. why cant humans just be satisfied with the life they were given rather than always wanting more. always wanting more than they have, a better life in general , and then eternal life in heaven filled with fairies and clouds. come on…

Answer #4

Great answer, mumba!

People want proof (human nature), so that they CAN believe; however, it is the wrong kind of faith. God wants you to believe with your heart… not your brain.

Jesus stated ‘blessed are those that believe and have not seen’.

And thank you so much, rockstar69 for defending our right to believe as we will. I appreciate your opinion and your thoughtfulness.

ichibanarky, you are exactly right!

Answer #5

actually, it’s 7 days. and yes. it’s really really stupid when people say ‘there’s no proof’. it’s like they have 2 brain cells or something? ugh.

Ummm…it was 6 DAYS. He RESTED on the 7th…

OH and what proof is there exactly? Personal beliefs does not constitute proof.

Answer #6

actually, it’s 7 days. and yes. it’s really really stupid when people say ‘there’s no proof’. it’s like they have 2 brain cells or something? ugh.

Answer #7

yes he is real–he is never late, even though we may want life to be another way, sometimes he pushes us in a certain direction for the better. Car gave up today (tribulation) and I know that there is a blessing around the corner. There has to be–I do not have anyone to depend on except for HIM

Answer #8

just reading the bible for me is proof enough God is real. I’ve had some pretty bad things happen to me, and God has helped me get through them. and don’t comment this saying how much bullshit it is, because it’s real to me, so let me be!

Answer #9

.For once my friend try not looking for proof

Yep, follow blindly, don’t question anything that doesn’t make sense…you didn’t get your brain to use it after all…

Answer #10

You can’t question whether or not he is real, because nobody knows.

It’s all about faith and belief - either you believe he is real or you don’t, but nobody can prove either view.

Answer #11

I belive in a goddess so I dont know

Answer #12

I think god and the bible personally is just a bunch of made up B.S that people made up so that other weak minded people can have something to believe in. people need to believe in a higher being so they can feel good about themselves.

Answer #13

This assumes that the bible is truth, and that if the bible is false, it means that there cant be a God. Even if the bible is a set of myths, does not mean that there isnt a God.

Answer #14

I dont think god is real but im atheist soo…I dont think hes real because there is no proof that he was ever here…same with jesus no proof and if he was real dont you think people would b a tad bit happier? I beleive in the scientifical term for how we came 2 b

Answer #15

I’m atheist so I don’t believe in god, it seems to me that there is no proof of him, the bible was written by man, it’s all lies, science explains everything. I’m not trying to make the believers here mad or anything, that’s just my opinion. and don’t tell me I don’t know anything about this because I was forced to learn about it for nine years straight. I respect your opinions too.

I guess nobody knows the answer to your question for sure. believe what you want to.

good luck:)

Answer #16


I sense some hatred in your heart. And besides, you know nothing of Christianity if you think that it is just about living a good life and doing good deeds in order to get to heaven. That is not what it is about at all. You’ve missed the point entirely.

I am sorry that your only defense against Christianity is to insult it without even knowing what it is about. Read about it in its entirety (like a put together jigsaw puzzle) and not just picking out individual pieces or sections with which you can insult and then I will be more prone to listen to you.

Answer #17

how am I mean… is it wrong to defend my ideals and beliefs when they are questioned. I say more power to you if you do believe. may you live a happier more fullfilling life than me. but I also believe in what I believe and stating that is not an act of meanness. I honestly have no desire to upset anyone. although if you dont agree with me then its your perogative to be offended by my statements and for that I do apoligize. I just feel strongly about the topic.

I guess I just wish I knew what the truth was. I dont want to go against it but I also dont want to devote myself to something that I am not positve about. I dont really know what I want. besides an answer. I just dont want to give all of myself to something I dont know to be true.

Answer #18

Hey captainassassin!

Sorry if me responding to amandagalik stepped on your toes. Didn’t mean to do that. She just seems very mean and I was just voicing my opinion. You seem pretty cool and don’t come across with a lot of hatred toward me, so I appreciate hearing from you.

Trust me (as I said to amandagalik), I am a poor example of my faith, but of course I am trying. The good thing is that according to my faith it matters not one iota about what ‘good works’ I do or what I fail to do. It has all been done for me already.

Anyways, good hearing from you again and sorry if I came off (as amandagalik said) ‘better than thou’. I am not and I acknowledge that.

Take care!

Answer #19

first off all greghegrefe

when did I say that was what it was ALL about. not only do I not care what you think I couldnt care any less about the bible and its bullshit. I was raised as a catholic my whole life and I know more about it than you think . and I dont care if you listen to me I am simply expressing my feelings and opinion so get over it. dont try to come to me with your words of wisdom trying to act as if you are so much better than me or like you have any more proof that it is real than I do that its not.

Answer #20

im not asking this as in”well your wrong” im seriously asking a religious person this question,im very confused about religion and I need someone to tell me something,anything from the bible, I want to be a good christan but there are sooo many flaws with the bible that its really hard for me

and rockstar69 I didnt say anything like “if you believe in god your dumb” so maybe you should learn to read and get manners yourself

Answer #21

why question religion if you dont believe in GOD then dont believe in him but dont question those who do why they do, They believe in GOD because they can… I personally dont believe in GOD but I show respect regardless of my PERSONAL views… learns some manners and stop judging those who have faith and belief in their lives…

Answer #22

No brainwashing. heres my view on it. G-d is perfect. He. Him. Why couldnt it be a she? or a black male. an alien? or houw about a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. There is completely nooo tangible proof of his existance. First were the basic elements. The they fused together to create microorganisms. Then those because simple formed animals. They started to evolve into more complex beings. Then after a while, humans evolved.

I’m athiest with some scientologist mixed into it. But I respect any religion. I don’t disrespect anyone.

And if Ioffended anyone I’m sorry. But its my humble opinion.

Answer #23


Answer #24

I was raised as a catholic my whole life

Heh… no wonder you’re so grumpy… n___n

Answer #25

Trust me… I am probably not any better than you. I agree. But at least with me there is hope.

Answer #26

imo god isn’t real, it’s very obvious if you think about it.

science explains how we got here without any help from gods.

Answer #27

People want proof (human nature), so that they CAN believe


proof enough


Answer #28

calm down bettyxbeexd

Answer #29

Genesis is just a story. Adam and Eve are mythical/fictional characters.

Answer #30

If your unsure then your still in the waiting line. Pretend that before you absolutly must know,if theres a god he will let you know. If he has not intervened then things are not that bad for you.

Answer #31

Well said ‘greghogrefe’! Although its hard to hear the horrible things everyone says about god, I know he will gather and forgive all of his people over time. God and science constantly battle but it’s hard to believe that anything else but god could form such complex beings like ourselves and everything else around us. I apologize (to all who responded to the question) if the reason why you are so hateful to Christians is because you’ve felt judged of were mistreated for your beliefs. They were not true Christians. We are taught to love and not judge and to Share his word to others.

God created us knowing the type of beings we are. Obviously he knew that we are creatures that need to ‘see it to believe it’ and because of that he gives signs… one example is his gifts…such as the gift of healing, the gift of tongues, or the gift of translation. If you’ve seen it in front of your eyes, it would be difficult to not believe in God.

To all the people who don’t believe in god, I don’t know who or what your higher power is and I don’t judge you for it, but my god tells me to pray for you and I will.

God Bless

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