Christian returning to god after years of being faithless

When I was younger I had faith in god but as I grew up my faith got questioned and I now want it back but cant shake the doubts and questions

Answer #1

I will help to clear your doubts and get back you faith/. Please Funmail me

Answer #2

I quit doubting after I started to listen and when you are climbing back after having slipped–the climb is harder and the tribulations more challenging. don’t give up

Answer #3

Generally the most productive techniques involve destroying the subjects sense of self so they will conform to the view of the group.

Answer #4

Turn to blind faith to find comfort. And choose the faith that fits you. Ignore the scientific evidence. Believe in books written by men thousands of years ago. Ignorance is bliss, isn’t that right kattychatty?

WOW, you are rude. The question didn’t ask what you think about the christian god or their religion. It asked how that person could find their faith again.

Learn to read, religion has it’s place in society and SO WHAT it someone wants to find comfort in something which YOU don’t believe in, it’s their life NOT YOURS.

Plus HOW DO YOU KNOW that there isn’t a god/creater of everything?

Oh and NOT ALL believers reject science.

As for the question. I think even the strongest of believers have doubts and questions about their faith, that is why it is called faith. How about going to speak to your pastor at a church that you like or denomination that you want to be part of? Maybe that’l help you decide on how you want to approach the situation.

Answer #5

^ bad idea ^

Answer #6

–Plus HOW DO YOU KNOW that there isn’t a god/creater of everything?–

because of science and knowledge that I am able to apply rationality and relevence to.

In the sense the question is like asking, ‘’how do you know zeus isn’t throwing lightning bolts?’’

In the same way zeus isn’t necessary for the explanation it is appropriative to remove god.

seriously people, pick up a science book it isn’t the bronze age anymore.

Answer #7

I know exactly how you feel bc I’ve gone through the same thing. I’ve learned you just have to believe and put your fears and doubts in the back of your mind. its kinda like asking why a bird flies or why a fish swims. the answer is simply just bc they do. I don’t know if that makes sense but I hope it helps

Answer #8

Ignore omerta, if you have questions try and find there answers if you have douts question them and there answers. Now you know you could turn to another faith if this one doesnt seem to fit you. Christain or not you should have that little peace of knowning. Whatever it is you feel fits is right.

Answer #9

Welcome back I hope for your sake?;their will be questions always,but Doubts,there should not be any!,of course you know we just didn’t pop up out of the blue,right?, Christianity was put in all are minds,thats why you know about it aswell,we all do but soom refuse to grasp it,because I guess it’s so much easier to live the other life.Living for Jesus is a hard path to take,you must work at it,Good luck.

Answer #10

By UNorthodox Catholic, do you mean Roman Catholic? As in Vatican City, infallible pope, insense-swinging, Latin reading, Hail Mary praying, confession booth -Catholic?

I just want clarification, because Roman Catholics (Latin bible) are often referred to as ‘’Catholics’’ here, and the ORIGINAL Catholics (greek bible), tend to be called Orthodox.

I’m saying that the best bible version to get as a returning christian would be a catholic bible because it has all of the books that pertain to christian belief.

No… the best version for a returning CATHOLIC would be the catholic Bible… and again, it doesn’t have ALL the books, the Greek Orthodox pre-dates the catholic bible, and it has four more books in it. But again, that doesn’t validate it either, since ALL Bibles were canonized by MAN, not by God. And the books/scriptures/etc. that were excluded were done so by MAN, not God. For all we know we could be reading incomplete or even totally WRONG information… since God himself didn’t put it together for us.

There are NUMEROUS doctrines and practices that catholics follow, that most of the other denominations of Christianity do not. Some denominations (or probably just nutty individuals) don’t even consider Catholicism (or Mormonism for that matter) to BE part of Christianity…

So to reiterate, the person asking needs to provide THEIR former beliefs, in order for us to better facilitate their needs. They might HATE Catholicism because of its bloody history, we don’t know…

Answer #11

Okay, I see where you’re coming form. Sorry if it turned into an argument.

What I meant by “unorthodox” was REALLY unorthodox in that I don’t follow any real set traditions. I’m born and raised Roman Catholic but I think that all of the sects of Christianity have so many rules that we lose sight of what God called us to do through God: LOVE.

I honestly didn’t know that there was a Bible version that had more than the Catholic versions. I wasn’t saying “BE CATHOLIC” I was saying/trying to say that they should pick up the version that has the most relevant books/info. If that happens to be the Greek orthodox versions, then they should go and do that. In fact, I’ll go pick one up if what you say is true.

Answer #12

No argument here… n___n

You don’t have to buy another Bible (unless you LIKE collecting), its only four books, and they can be found online:

1 Esdras 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Psalm 151

Answer #13

if you were Christian, why would you get a non-christian book? I’m saying that the best bible version to get as a returning christian would be a catholic bible because it has all of the books that pertain to christian belief.

that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pic all books that pertain to EVERY synonymous religion because obviously there are some books in other religions that the others don’t agree with.

but as far as Christian belief goes, the christian version that might be the best for a returning christian would be the catholic one

which did you have in mind captainassassin?

Answer #14

…but it doesn’t… that’s the point…

Answer #15

*CHRISTIAN returning after years, so…get the Bible version that has EVERY book in it so you can soak up ALL of the the relevant info…

I’m not saying “be catholic” or “All other versions aren’t as good” I’m saying that the Catholic one has all of the books

Answer #16

go pick up a Catholic Bible (purely for the reason that it has ALL of the books in it)

…oh snap… you did NOT just say that…

Answer #17

what do you mean? the Catholic Bibles generally has all of the books. It’s disputed that some of the books weren’t inspired by God and are additions of primary sources and not THE source, but they are still relevant.

Answer #18

The Greek Orthodox Bible has more than the Catholic version. And that STILL isn’t including other ancient scriptures. What about the Dead Sea Scrolls? The Gnostic Gospels?

By what can you define as a ‘book’ of the Bible? The bible itself was canonized by man, arranged by man, and the validity of the contents were decided upon my man. Considering just HOW MANY different Bibles (and versions of those bibles) there are today… its pretty safe to conclude that NOBODY knows what’s right…

Answer #19

That’s why you go with the version that has the most books in it that pertains to the church. But, I’m not saying only look into the religious books that are relevant to you. I’m an “unorthodox” Catholic and have read a large variety of writings from loads of different religions (probably what makes me unorthodox).

Answer #20

That’s why you go with the version that has the most books in it that pertains to the church.

So… how do you know WHICH church? The person who posted this question didn’t specify their denomination…

Answer #21

In the same way scientists say that it’s silly to think that a god exists, it’s equally silly to say there isn’t one. How do they know? How do any of us know? Who’s to say there isn’t one?

If you want advice, or have questions that need answering about something like this, you should leave your computer, go pick up a Catholic Bible (purely for the reason that it has ALL of the books in it), put yourself in a prayerful state; meditation if you will. Exclude all things but your question to God from your mind. Ask Him to guide your hand (and really believe He will), open the bible to a random page and read the first thing your eye lands on.

It never ceases to amaze me how many times the verse/chapter I read doing this is relevant and even answers my questions and worries.

Always remember, God loves everyone, you, me, atheists, Buddhists, Jews, blacks whites, asians, EVERYONE! Admit your sins, confess your guilt, offer up your life to God and He will always watch over you. After you confess, move on. It’s a clean slate to do what you feel is right without being hindered by the past. Love God, Love Yourself, Love others, Love what you do, Tip your waitress, Hold the onions.

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