Religion, why do we need it? Or rather, not need it?

Just interested to see what other people think (I’m a christian, do not dis. And I’m not into bible bashing so please do not quote anyone on what should be done. This is just to see what people think.)

Answer #1

kai_dono, if atheism is a religion, then baldness is a hair color (unoriginal, but true nonetheless).

Answer #2

hey, im Roman Catholic so yeah I pretty much went through that experience through education and church where religion was pretty much a big part of my life.

In terms of religion being in the education system,it can feel at times forced upon. I went to a catholic primary school and currently finishing my second last year at a Catholic all girls secondary school and so im pretty much already convinced about religion, but such forceful teachings can in a way lead to someone having many doubts, questioning their beliefs is like questioning God and that can be a fearful encounter.

I personally think that in a society like ours we do need religion. Like the morals and ethics in which our society is built upon, religion allows us to make a judgment ourselves on what we define as morally right or wrong therefore bringing us forward in life. Although there a such restrictions, and this can lead to people having a narrow-mindedness towards challenging topics, I think that as long as the church of our society is ever-changing, adapting to the audiences of todays society then it will succeed in maintaining a fruitful part of our culture and to the lives of those of the younger generation.

I am personally not a strong Catholic, although my family does hold strong beliefs, I can even admit, through my times of doubt, that religion is there to guide me and may not mean me playing by the book, but it is there for you to help discover a path in life whether it is with God or not.

I know this may not make any sense, but its actually a very good question and I guess its not one where I can just pull out an answer when there is a reality that we do live in an ever-changing society and some traditions we have lost or continued to uphold can really decide a path on what we make of tomorrows world and generation.

Hope you get my drift, if not I don’t blame you Thanks anyway for posting this question, very challenging topic to have brought up (like all associations with religion these days situations tend to get intertwined with Politics, religion and ethics.) Thanks =]

Answer #3

arachnid posted

Again, religious belief is quite distinct from belief in something that’s supported by evidence. If believing anything at all is a religion, then is ‘gravityism’ a religion? Is my assertion that the sun is hot a religious belief? Is my favorite restaurant a holy shrine because I believe food is tasty?

And you are right to a certain degree. Those who are atheists lack faith but they claim and believe in atheism, so what does that mean? and what does it mean to claim yourself as an atheist if it it’s not the belief to not believe in no higher entity? Isn’t atheism a lifestyle choice? Aren’t all religions a lifestyle choice? And is it a bad thing if Atheism is religion? Not at all. so why argue over it?

And no I don’t confuse religion with something supported by evidence. There are certain degrees of beliefs; for instance they could be religion based, moral based, fact based, (etc) and some are more believable than others, others aren’t. Does atheism fall under the category more believable then gravitism based on fact or belief? No, it losses to gravitism. If you classify it as not religion, then what is it? Fact? Moral? Belief? It leans more towards belief on a personal scale, just like all the other religions out there.

Answer #4

As you have prevoiusly pointed out, but have I said otherwise? Believing in no higher entity is the same as a lack of belief. It translates to mean I lack the belief in a higher entity, so therefore I don’t belive, but I belive in not believing.

No, the two are distinct:

  • Believing in the lack of existence of a god is a faith-based position with no evidence to support it. You are positively asserting that there is no god.
  • Not believing in the existence of a god is a lack of belief, and not faith-based. You are merely asserting that there is no evidence for the existence of a god.

Likewise, I don’t believe in the existence of invisible unicorns, but I don’t actively believe in their nonexistence.

Answer #5

The belief not to believe? You’re not making any sense. I know you desperately want atheism to be a faith-based position, but it really isn’t. Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair color.

I have yet to hear you raise a proper argument. I want so desperately? Once again, is it a bad thing if Atheism is religion? Of course not. Atheism is not bad, it’s just a personal choice. Some claim to be Buddists, others claim to be Muslim, and then there are others who claim to BE Atheist. And obviously bald is a hair style not colour, once again you are mixing my words.

The term “belief to not believe” does make sense. But then if it doesn’t, what does that say about Atheism?

Intellectual stance. As I said, it’s a lack of belief.

As you have prevoiusly pointed out, but have I said otherwise? Believing in no higher entity is the same as a lack of belief. It translates to mean I lack the belief in a higher entity, so therefore I don’t belive, but I belive in not believing.

Answer #6

My family supposedly is catholic. We don’t really go to church, except when a miracle happens and we need to thank god? Pursonally I wish to live my live just admiring the good in all the religions that are out there. I appreciate the beliefs that people have, some are good yet I would rather admire and not be overpowered by religion. The bad thing with religions is that people let it rule their lives, they follow the teachings off others and they don’t think for themselves. They let someone like a pastor tell them what they’re doing wrong instead of making their own definition of whats wrong or right or of how the world came to be. I think that religion is a sort of brainwashing, I’m curious of what religion people would pick if they had them all laid out in front of them without any background knowledge, I’m sure that they would have different beliefs. Yes I know that religions make you feel good about yourself and feel less alone in this universe, but I just don’t agree with the intolerance that it causes, such as anti gay marriages or the use of condoms for example. It DOESNT LET PEOPLE LIVE THEY’RE LIVS BECAUSE THEY’RE TOO BUSY RULING IT. I’m sure that God himself is beautiful but I don’t agree with the people who follow in his name.

Answer #7

kai_dono, are you actually trying to say that disbelief is the same as belief? That is just ludicrous.

That is like saying not being able to play a musical instrument is the equavalent of being a musician.

Answer #8

Here’s a small list I made up of all the religions that are out there. Muahahaha! (please note that there are tons more, I just don’t have the time to write them all up…DON’T LAUGH! :L:D)

Christianity Evolution (Please do not argue with me, it is a belief) Scientology Atheism (yes, even atheists are a belief system) Hinduism Muslim Buddhism

Answer #9


Thanks to all the people who’s helped me reach this mark. bows And, this is gonna sound stupid, but I made up all those points just so I could reach thirty. :L:L One of my many life’s goal has been achieved, so thanks! (most of the points I got from a debating site…lol)

Thanks to my main man arachnid for continuing to rebut my answers, my hat goes off to you dude. :D (im not being sarcastic or anything, it’s the truth)

I shall finish by saying, whatever you choose, religion or otherwise, don’t forget to have fun in life. :D

Answer #10

Those who are atheists lack faith but they claim and believe in atheism

No, we are atheists, but you can’t ‘believe in atheism’ - atheism is a lack of belief.

and what does it mean to claim yourself as an atheist if it it’s not the belief to not believe in no higher entity?

The belief not to believe? You’re not making any sense. I know you desperately want atheism to be a faith-based position, but it really isn’t. Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair color.

If you classify it as not religion, then what is it? Fact? Moral? Belief?

Intellectual stance. As I said, it’s a lack of belief.

Answer #11

accually toadaly athesim is a religion they believe in no higher power or things that can not be proven. they are the accual sane people compared to you and very faithful christians but that is just my veiw don’t take it personally well ok I love a good debate.

and my answer is religion gives some people hope in that after they die they don’t just well die and or they aren’t alone in the world but you really don’t need it you can go on just fine without it )0(blessed be)0(

Answer #12

accually toadaly athesim is a religion they believe in no higher power or things that can not be proven

Did you read any of the previous posts? Atheism is religion like bald is a hair color. Further, you’re arguing with a bunch of atheists about the definition of atheism.

Answer #13

It’s faith and hope that we can actually lean on. to become stronger spiritually. when you love god with all your heart, that’s when you can actually experience loving yourself and others with a more spiritual approach.

Answer #14

I think that religion addresses a number of psychological needs. In general believers are happier than skeptics but then again a drunk is usually happier than a sober person.

I think believers are right when they say we have a “god shaped hole” in us that makes us seek religion. Atheism is a kind of social disorder where people value truth and reality above comforting fantasies. Most people go through life following the path of least resistance because that is the safest choice. Those who are wired differently go against the current.

Religion addresses our fear of death, fear of the unknown, need to feel superior to other cultures and people, and our desire for security and unconditional love. That is why religion is so seductive and widespread.

Answer #15

but then again a drunk is usually happier than a sober person

Well, I know you were never a drunk…this is emphatically UNTRUE…ask a drunk who has become a sober…bad comparison…


Answer #16

I don’t know much about religion, but it does seem to cause a lot of arguments -_-‘’ I’m an Atheist and hate when some people tell me I’m going to hell, simply because I don’t believe in God? I just don’t get religion or what it’s supposed to do at all…

Answer #17

I don’t think we need it. Look at the wars that have been started from it. Look at all the issues that it causes. (EX: The whole kindergarten class can’t have a christmas party cause of the little Jewish boy, who no one thinks to just send into the library to read a book) That ruins the fun for the 29 other kids in the class..

Some people say that they feel “closure” from religion. We’ve got therapy for that. And this whole idea of “God”… it doesn’t make sense to me.. How do we know that someone didn’t smoke a little something and write a nice story to go with current events?

Answer #18

*Christianity Evolution (Please do not argue with me, it is a belief) Scientology Atheism (yes, even atheists are a belief system) Hinduism Muslim Buddhism

lordy, lordy…what are you thinking…

Answer #19

utopia lordy, lordy…what are you thinking…

he/she is right. million year homosapien developed into modern man cant be proven. and yet it is held as ‘TRUE’. so yes it is a belief system.

same with athiests. they dont BELIEVE in a God.

now, do we need religion??? NO…

but we do need to get to know our creator. we dont need a belief system to get to know God.

Jesus simply came down to earth to give us a second chance and reconnect our relationships with the Lord. its not a religion.

Answer #20

No, we don’t need religion. Just look at different societies with different degrees of religious belief - there’s no positive correlation between religiousness and morality, or crime rate, or any other useful statistic.

And no, evolution isn’t a ‘belief’, it’s a scientific theory - unless you think ‘gravityism’ is also a belief? Or heliocentrism?

And no, atheism is not a belief either - it’s explicitly a lack of belief, hence _a_theism.

Answer #21

@altheaforlife Wait, evolution and atheism are religions but Christianity isn’t? What are you on, and where can I get some? That has to be richest vein of BS I’ve seen in a long time.

Answer #22

*And no, evolution isn’t a ‘belief’, it’s a scientific theory - unless you think ‘gravityism’ is also a belief? Or heliocentrism?

And no, atheism is not a belief either - it’s explicitly a lack of belief, hence _a_theism.U*

are you serious, a belief is anything someone believes in. how is evelution and atheism a belief. its something people believe in. the bible and god is something people choose to believe in and it is considered a belief. idiot.

so what do you onsider a belief?… just because atheism believes in something other than the mainstream doesnt mean it is illegitamite. it is a belief.

how two-sided…

Answer #23

ummm well…I dont believe in god or anything in the bible but I do think we do in some ways need religion. ONLY because of the fact that I believe the fear of being punished or judged by god for commiting sins holds people back from commiting even more crimes than are already. I personally could do with out all the hypocracy and bullsh!t but if it keeps people in line and gives them something to hope then why the hell not.

I think if the world was religion free there wouldnt be any higher being to obey and follow and the world would be somewhat chaotic. but. I also choose not to follow any religion or god and I have morals and ethics. I know right from wrong and I dont need promises of some haven to keep me in line so I guess its kind of like a double edge sword isnt it.

there would also be less suicide bombings because there would be no belief of after commiting this crime that to some people is seen as tribute they would get their 72 virgins or whatever the number is.

there wouldnt be those moms or people in general who say they killed their baby or ect because god told them to. because there wouldnt even be a idea of god.

oh and sooo on.

Answer #24

are you serious, a belief is anything someone believes in

Sure, if you’re going to define ‘belief’ in such a tautological fashion, practically everything is (though Atheism still isn’t - it’s a lack of belief). But the usual definition of ‘belief’ in this context is along the lines of ‘opinions held in the absense of evidence’.

However you define the term, equating ‘believing’ in Evolution with religious belief is like equating believing in the existence of gravity with believing in fairies. In each case, one has evidence, and if it was false, could be disproven, while the other doesn’t.

Answer #25

he/she is right. million year homosapien developed into modern man cant be proven. and yet it is held as ‘TRUE’.

Yes it has been proven. Try doing some research. What hasn’t been proven is how it happens, not whether it happens. It has been proven that evolution is true.

so yes it is a belief system.

It is not more a belief than gravity is a belief.

Saying atheism is a religion is like saying someone who doesn’t play a musical instrument is a musician.

Answer #26

Excellent analysis filetofspam. Not sure I have a god shaped hole though.

It is sad that truth and reality are the disorder. I think those that don’t seek truth and reality open themselves up up to manipulation by opportunists. Like the GOP paying lips service to pro-lifers and then when in power do absolutely nothing to stop abortions. Either way, religion is not going away in the near future. Lets just hope in the long run the more moderate intelligent believers prevail over the fundamentalist nut-jobs.

Answer #27

We don’t need religion, religion needs us. Religion is a parasitic system of beliefs. It adapts itself so as to be most effectively spread…sort of like a virus.

But, just as almost everyone has retro-viruses in their system, these viruses are not necessary - or even helpful. They’re just highly effective parasites.

One of the things religion has adapted to do is to provide a social outlet. That aspect is the only aspect of religion that might be deemed beneficial. But those who are not raised religious find other social outlets; recreational sport leagues, charity work, hobbies that involve social activity, etc. People who have used religion as a social crutch, and then lose faith, do indeed suffer, as it takes quite a while to learn new ways of being social.

Answer #28

kai_dono, if atheism is a religion, then baldness is a hair color (unoriginal, but true nonetheless).

toadaly, I quoted that atheism is a religion because it is the belief that there is no god or higher being. Nearly every other Religion I know of talks about having a higher entity except atheism and evolution when millions of people belive in them both. Yet, many people belive in atheism and evolution, so does it not count as a religion?

Even though there is no major practice of it (like going to an atheist church) It is still a religion because people swear by it. It’s the same for evolution.

I don’t really care what people choose to belive, but you cannot justify that evolution and atheism aren’t religion.

Answer #29

I quoted that atheism is a religion because it is the belief that there is no god or higher being.

Atheism isn’t the belief that there’s no god, it’s the lack of belief in a god. One is a belief system (that few, if any people hold), the other is simply the lack of belief.

Yet, many people belive in atheism and evolution, so does it not count as a religion?

Again, religious belief is quite distinct from belief in something that’s supported by evidence. If believing anything at all is a religion, then is ‘gravityism’ a religion? Is my assertion that the sun is hot a religious belief? Is my favorite restaurant a holy shrine because I believe food is tasty?

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