Regarding ramadan punctuality?

Hello sir, my name is shafaqe. Well sir, I would like to ask one question regarding ramadan punctuality. I have not been breaking my fast on the time I am suppose to break it. And one of my friend told me that my fasts are not accepting because of not breaking them on time. I only broke two on time. Yesterday. I broke my fast around 9:30pm because I was not at home, I was out and could not get nothing to eat. I am not muslim; I am christian that’s why I don’t want my family to know about me fasting. I love a muslim guy, so I am fasting with him. It is something I just wanted to do . He also don’t know much about religion, yet still he asked his dad about it. But sir I want to know accurate and correct answer. What does holy qur’an says about it.

Answer #1

About a non-muslim fasting? I dont think it says much? What exactly are your fasts supposed to be counting for if you’re not a muslim? You’re doing this with someone you love. Stop listening to your friends who have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about anyways. Think about it this way, are the stupid nitpicky rules more important than the spirit of what you’re doing? And if it is that important to you to break fast on time, just carry around a bottle of whatever you break fast with and set your watch on a timer…

Answer #2

no one is asking for your opinion ok. soon I will change my religion too thats why I am keepnig these fasts. and I want an Islamic Scholar advice; a person who know good about Islam; else please dont answer my question. bye

Answer #3

if your not a muslim I dont think there is a problem god will happy that your doing it, if its for the right reasons however, if you become a muslim then you must break the fast on time god will still be happy that you kept the fast and made the effort, but it seems like you are delaying eating when you are permitted to eat.

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