Politics & Law Questions

  1. What is the current situation in Pakistan?
  2. What happened to winning on the merits ?
  3. Is it true the government drops first-time offenders?
  4. Why is cigarette production legal?
  5. Do you think people in jail should have rights?
  6. Does it make sense to issue a legal license to an illegal person?
  7. Why did the 'Diplomacy' workers resist deployment ?
  8. Would you say true or not true ?
  9. Where does Fascism end and Communism start?
  10. Would you classify abortion as murder?
  11. What can you do with $611 billion dollars?
  12. What are the pros and cons of the North American Union?
  13. Bill steps in to take the blame or explain what she really meant
  14. Is the Senator right or wrong ?
  15. Does anyone else think abortion is murder?
  16. Do you go to cbs.com?
  17. Government fraud/or just plain waste!
  18. Is Hillary a victim ?
  19. Why the contradiction from Hilary Clinton about her platform?
  20. Will you join my Politics group?
  21. What are important things to a patriot?
  22. What's the future of Social Security?
  23. President Bush: Great President or needs to leave?
  24. Does protesting really help accomplish anything?
  25. Will India be a superpower in 2020?
  26. Will India sign the nuclear deal with America?
  27. Will my husband be deported with an expired passport?
  28. Who is the head of Interpol?
  29. Did lawsuits contribute to the terrible California fires?
  30. Is socialism in the future ?
  31. Does anyone else dislike George Bush?
  32. Conservatives: who's your favorite radio host?
  33. Who would be the best Republican candidate for President?
  34. What do you think about universal healthcare?
  35. Is this acceptable or over the top ?
  36. Why did the corrupt Democrat hide the money in the freezer?
  37. How do I get out of the Army?
  38. Is it true that the Majority Leader of Congress attacked a citizen?
  39. Barack Obama doesn't wear a flag pin is this a big deal?
  40. Yet another republican scandal involving children
  41. Qwest refused to illegally wire tap Americans months before 9/11
  42. Guess who's really behind the discrediting of Al Gore?
  43. Do you think Al Gore deserved the Nobel Peace Prize?
  44. What is the Constitution for the Federation of Earth?
  45. Does Europe not support Americans?
  46. Are French people selfish?
  47. What if you slip up your identity in Witness Protection?
  48. Is this a good or bad plan?
  49. Good sign or bad sign ?
  50. Will Giuliani help or hurt the Republican party?
  51. Is anyone here into anarchy?
  52. What do you think ?
  53. What happened to Bam Margera's uncle Don Vito?
  54. President Bush veto on the kids health care bill
  55. Can Ron Paul win the Presidency?
  56. Should we raise taxes to pay for the war?
  57. How can we lighten the workload of Congress?
  58. Is this a 'rush to judgment'?
  59. Is this good strategy?
  60. What do you think about the Iranian President speaking?
  61. Should Gore debate?
  62. What was the OAS?
  63. How many offenses against King George III?
  64. Should the moratorium be extended?
  65. Is this a good policy?
  66. Are you surprised?
  67. $190 billion for the war, but, $35 billion is too much for children
  68. David Rubenstein of The Carlyle Group is a new billionaire
  69. How many Senators make up Congress?
  70. Bush wants war, not health care for poor children
  71. What do you think about Army recruiters in US schools?
  72. Does MoveOn.org 'own' the party ?
  73. What is the ethical violation of age discrimination?
  74. What is your Political Stance?
  75. Do you agree or disagree with Iraq?
  76. MoveOn.org takes out a full-page ad on Gen. Petraeus
  77. Do terrorists mean it or is it an idle threat?
  78. How many Senators are there from each state?
  79. Should they legalize marijuana due to its benefits?
  80. Why in just 250 years?
  81. What rights do teenagers have in China?
  82. What's the difference between Federalist and Democratic Republic?
  83. Do you think races should mix?
  84. Do you say 'search' or 'hands off the turban' ?
  85. Did anyone watch the live destruction of the World Trade Center?
  86. What if I miss my jury duty date?
  87. The most successful woman leader?
  88. Are there any pictures of India's new President?
  89. Should the government stop the making of cigerettes?
  90. Can I be President of India?
  91. Why are cigarettes legal and marijuana isn't?
  92. What's "good" about the Republican party?
  93. What is the largest country in the world?
  94. Is the 'North American Union' coming?
  95. Is Osama bin Laden dead?
  96. Why do blacks hate whites so much?
  97. What would have happened if Hitler won WWII?
  98. Is this true about John Edwards?
  99. Are Indians inferior to the British?
  100. Is Iraq WWIII?