Bill steps in to take the blame or explain what she really meant

It appears a pattern starting to emerge whereby when something doesn’t go right in Hillary’s campaign, Bill steps in to take the blame or explain what she really meant - Do you think this will continue ?

Answer #1

I think that they are two very competent, separate people. Everyone on the campaign trail has their spouse backing them up. Whether Clintons or Bushes or Regans. To NOT have that sort of support would be political death.

Answer #2

(Modified title because the other one wasn’t clear).

Bill Clinton, stepping in to help out Hillary, given that he’s the experience politician, he ran a presidential campaign & won (twice), and it’s a pattern?

Of course. He’d be a colossal jerk if he didn’t step in and help out his wife trying to become the first woman president of the United States.

Really, it’s shameful in many ways that the US hasn’t had a female president, where many countries who hold to Islam have already had female prime ministers (Jordan, for example).

But, despite their issues, I’m glad that they have stuck’s more than we can say for Rudy & his wife. I think that kind of teamwork should be admired. :)

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