Would you classify abortion as murder?

wud u? . . .xxx

Answer #1

abort = terminate = eliminate = cease = stop prior to full development = kill = murder (an innocent)

Answer #2

rdtallboy25, I don’t understand your answer >>> um, I believe it is. I believe in a woman’s choice to choose. pro-choice. but I do not at all believe that abortion is right <<< - are you taking both sides of the same issue, like a politician ? or is it just me ?

Answer #3

Masturbating and crap isn’t murder, those are just sperm, and dudes make gajillions of them. Literally. Abortion is killing an already conceived fetus. There’s a difference.

I think the baby’s right to live overpowers the woman’s choice. More often than not it’s not because they were raped or anything, it was because they’re stupid.

If my mom had had an abortion when she was pregnant with me, I would be very, very angry.

Answer #4

Relevantly speaking, I do consider abortion a termination of a human life. Cell differentiation begins two weeks after conception and the heart is beating by the fourth week. The difference between fetuses and patients in vegetative state is that the latter do not have the potential to come back to life to think and experience things from scratch.

I am, however, not against abortion. My cynicism and lifelong bitterness have caused me to be pro-death. I encourage mass murder of people who are already annoying me OR have the potential to annoy me. Babies may seem cute at first, but they eventually grow up to be people like you and me.

That being said, reasons for abortion rarely come across as legitimate to me. The exact percentages will never be obtained, but generally speaking:

  • Rape or Incest: 1%
  • Baby may have health problem: 3%
  • Mother’s Health: 3%

As for the other 93%:

  • Feels unready for responsibility: 21%
  • Feels she can’t afford baby: 21%
  • Concern for how baby would change her life: 16%
  • Relationship problem: 12%
  • Feels she isn’t mature enough: 11%
  • Has all the children she wants: 8%
  • Other reasons: 4-5%

The solution to these problems seems mighty obvious to me. Unfortunately, I discovered a long time ago that people do the things they do because they’re STUPID. Guess it can’t be helped.

Answer #5


if that is not murder then I do not know what is…our life begins at conseption it is that simle and in less then ten weeks we have a body a heart and so much more..what defines life? We all have souls God gives us that…What makes our life so much better then any other animal that we can dare to think we have the right to kill our own unborn child no other animal nothing else God created thinks that way..we are given a choice yes, that choice sets us a side and No one has the right to takew the choice of life away from some one else a unborn child as well…CHILDERN are a GIFT from GOD himself. PSALM 139 clearly says God nits us in our Mothers womb he knows the number of hairs on our heart…we where fearfully and wonderfully made. God honors life with the gift of using us to create we dont we are the vessel God uses a tool in his hand to bring forth something amazing of God and our selves.

God gives life he is the aourthor of it no one else has the right to take even that of our own life. to act like such and to do it is playing God wrong and sinful…and just f-ed up.

It is to me MURDER in one of the worse forms I see…the child can not even fight back and is betrayed by the ones who should love and protect it…not kill it.

Answer #6

The unfertilized egg or sperm would eventually die if left alone. However, a fertilized egg will begin cellular mitosis (the process of splitting) almost immediately. Additionally, it has seperate DNA from the parents.

There is no definative moment other than conception that can be identified as the beginning of life. an embryo can live outside of a mother for some time. (it happens all the time in fertility clinics.) Babies born prematurely can live outside the mother earlier than most people think. (I knew a woman who had a baby born about 20 weeks premature.)

Some say that the diffinative moment should be the moment that the baby can survive outside the womb on its own, but that varies from child to child. Also no child can really be selfsufficient until they are mobile, which happens at six months at the earliest.

The fundamental issue is that “governments are instituted among men to protect[their] rights.” Furthermore, the Constitution guarantees each person a right to life (Ammended Article 5).

The only way to avoid potentially destructive hair-splitting is to use the only moment we have that is both scientifically defensible and definative ie conception. When in doubt, take the side of life.

take the challenge

Answer #7

YES IT IS MURDER!! it is killing a human!!

Answer #8

Well what I think when it comes to rape victims, is that of course it wasnt your choice to be raped, so why should you make the baby’s choice of living or not? Yes, its wrong what the rapist/father did, but it’s not like the baby had a choice at all. The baby was pulled into the bad situation, just like you, but for them it’s life or death. You, you still have a life, but you decide whether your baby does or not.

Answer #9

For some reason the link wouldn’t go through.

The challenge is to look at the pictures on this site http://www.priestsforlife.org/images/index.htm

Answer #10

Abortion stops a beating heart.

if you really want my full opinion and arguments, there are several posts in the “related questions” box at the top of the page.

Answer #11

Yes. That’s horrible and people convince themselves that it’s not. BUT IT IS. And people should wake up and realize what aborition is. It’s not just removing a mass of tissue from your body because you got pregnant and you dont want it. Well, what? You dont want a little piece of tissue in your body? Or a BABY? Yeah, people dont use the right words, so they dont realize what the “Mass of Tissue” is. Its a baby. A breathing, living, life. Dont get pregnant if you’re just going to murder your own innocent child. Your killing it, because you are the one making the decisiom to get an abortion. Therefore you are murdering your own child. Whether you admit it or not.

Answer #12

You’d be dead.

Abortion…hmmm, you are killing something…but for a human to exist on this planet, many living things suffer throughout your lifespan. So where does one concentrate the value of life…? Unlike other beings, humans leave a footprint of destruction on the Earth…that in itself could be classed as murdering the enviroment. Either way, your killing something.

Answer #13

Um, yes, I consider it muder. Because I’m pro-life. Once you conceive a baby, it is a person. It doens’t matter what other people say, you still have a little life inside of you. And by having an abortion, you aren’t giving it a choice. God put that baby on earth for a reason, and it’s murder. Go to standtrue.com. Read about it some.

Answer #14

“God put that baby on earth for a reason, and it’s murder” It has lots to do with people’s religion. Actually I think MOST of it has to do with religion. I could come out and say that I don’t believe in creationism, there is no higher power that POOFED a person into existence. Personally I don’t think it is murder. It is NOT a fully functioning human being at the time of conception. Taking away a right like that would be a step BACKWARDS in women’s rights. I agree with filletofspam about the human incubator bit.

Answer #15

no, I wouldn’t. every child should be a wanted child. it’s not fair for the child to come into this world if it’s not even wanted and it’s only going to be neglected. that’s where major problems start.

Answer #16

I don’t consider abortion murder. I don’t think anyone has the right to force a woman to serve as a human incubator for 9 months for a baby she doesn’t want.

Answer #17

We are the tool used to creat life and at our very hands we would destory it…it is just messed up

Answer #18

nope…iF abortion is murder so is masturbation and so is normal periods…there is not much difference…

Answer #19

rdtallboy25>>> everyone is capable of taking care of a child, and raising them correctly.

Do you REALLY think that’s true? Wow.

Answer #20

yeah because a life is being taken away right?

Answer #21

By the way, actual rape victims are pissed off when they’re used as a shield to justify abortion. Just keep that in mind.

Answer #22

Take a look at late term abortions and the methods they use.

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