Is Iraq WWIII?

What do you think is really going on over there in Iraq? Big question but im really curios. I really want to know what others think of whats going on over there. Do you think this is World War 3? or just a battle?

WHat do you think the war is really about?

Answer #1

In WW1, 9 million people died from 1914-1918 (about 116,000 Americans)

In WW2, 40 million people died in combat from 1939-1945; another 40 million died during those years, killed by their own governments (mostly USSR, China, Nazi Germany) (about 400,000 Americans died in combat)

In Iraq, about 5000 Americans have died. By comparison, more Americans died at the Battle of Gettysburg in 3 days (July 1-3, 1863) than have died in Iraq in the entire 5 years that the war has been going on.

I do not know what the figures are for total casualities in Iraq, but it is nowhere near the level of death that happened in the World Wars.

The Biggest danger for the World Wars are still the major nuclear powers with large populations (China, India, US, Former Soviet Union). When they begin to threaten each other, WW3 could be close. Only time will tell.

Answer #2

The fighting in the middle east has been going one in one form or other since the crusades, one group kills another group so on and so on. the war is an attempt to help a culture that has little concept of democracy create a democracy which some groups want to keep down so they can impose there groups beliefs on the whole country you also have groups from outside the country adding to the chaos. when these groups are left to themselves they take control of a country and impose harsh laws on the people erasing whole towns. then they train people to make bombs because even when we leave them alone they consider us a threat to their culture so they crash planes into buildings killing thousands of citizans with out warning or declaration or war. . . And they bomb clubs in there country like the ones we have cause they are against what they believe. . . .See over here if we disagree about a religious matter we argue about it and everyone goes home. . . over there if you have a religious arguement they Cut your head off and your familys head off. . . But they aren’t happy just keeping it in there own little country since we do not agree with them they want us dead too.. . . So they crash planes into our buildings. . . so what the war about? the War is about keeping the people wanting to kill you and me over there. . . . if it ends before we succeed you will find me at: 842 emporer road Gould bay, Anarctica If I’m lucky. . . .

Answer #3

world wars have to have the whole world in the war thats why they call it a ‘’WORLD WAR’’ usually every country has to be involved in some way.

Answer #4

Unless half the world’s powers took one side and the other side took the other side i wouldn’t call this a world war, although like already said it’d pretty much be another crusades so idk if they’d call it a WW for that reason but as of now, no the war in Iraq is not WW3 especially since most countries and people are against the war

Answer #5

Well not EVERY country, there are a hell of a lot of countries, but MOST countries. Or usually just major countries…

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