Finance, Jobs & Money Questions

  1. Do you think it is really worth going to war hit Afghanistan in search of high paid salary?
  2. Who knows if a company that fires you has to pay unemployment?
  3. What would you do if your boss was treating a colleague unfairly?
  4. What motivates you the most to go to work each day, money or personal satisfaction?
  5. How to get my credit score back to fair?
  6. Is it necessary to have high education to make money?
  7. Why do more and more students fall pray for scam sites even after knowing most of them are scam sites?
  8. Is it legal for a foreigner to bring his own business to the United States?
  9. Would you be able to work properly at your job if you didn’t get along with anyone at your workplace?
  10. Who should I go to, if I have a idea of an business?
  11. Why do you think women cannot compete with men in competitive market when you see so many women in top now?
  12. How is that under age kids are allowed to work in some countries?
  13. Are Euro banknotes made out of the same thing as US dollars?
  14. Is it illegal to make CD’s on your computer, and then sell them?
  15. Is it true that Obama's trip to India just landed Americans 54,000 new jobs?
  16. Can you refuse to pay If you don't like the way your hairdresser done your hair?
  17. What are some professionals who work with children with special needs and their families?
  18. Where do you think are the highest paid jobs in the IT sector?
  19. What all does a degree in criminal justice include?
  20. When you go to get married, do you have to pay anything?
  21. How hard is it to find a job straight out of university with only a bacholors?
  22. How do you face job interviews when you have just graduated with zero experience?
  23. How come you cant join the army if you go to a charter school?
  24. Do you always need a co signer if you are a first renter in MN?
  25. How do you excel in writing jobs?
  26. How hard will it be if I quit my job and take an interest in online jobs?
  27. When you turn in an application for a job do you always have to give a resume'?
  28. Who is a female funeral director on here?
  29. do u have be 18 in order to get a credit card?
  30. How would I pay taxes, I'm just a tutor?
  31. Why is a dollar called a "buck"?
  32. What are the advantages and disadvantages of credit cards?
  33. Why are some people good at paper work and some good at working with their hands?
  34. What is your favourite site to earn money on?
  35. Should I kick my 23-year-old son out?
  36. What would be your minimum salary?
  37. What are the top paying IT qualifications?
  38. Do you think buying properties is a good investment or saving money to earn interest in the bank?
  39. What is more important to you, liking your job or making good money?
  40. Why isn't my paypal working?
  41. how can someone find out their ideal job?
  42. What are good careers involving dogs that sill pay well?
  43. Are employers allowed to fire an employee without giving them a reason?
  44. Why do women who are heavy earn less?
  45. Can I, a teenager, get a Paypal account?
  46. what qualifications do you need to become a preschool teacher?
  47. When selling things on ebay and such, how do you determine the cost of the shipping?
  48. what is the going low rate for babysitting children and under?
  49. How do you make a resume, if you have never had a job or experience?
  50. Is your religion a barrier to employment?
  51. what is the difference between cash and credit transactions?
  52. Do law firms usually take Volunteers who are not law students or paralegal students yet and have no prior experience in Law?
  53. What are some most valuable attributes employers look for within possible employees?
  54. How old do you need to be to work at HMV?
  55. How old do you have to be to work stock ay foot locker or foot action?
  56. What does it mean provide 2 professional references and 1 personal reference?
  57. How des the secret shopper position work?
  58. how much money can you earn as a bartender per week?
  59. Why do people become teachers if they don't like children?
  60. How much money does the average middle class family make yearly?
  61. What are effective ways to save money daily?
  62. What kinds of jobs can I get while in the National Guard?
  63. What is most important to you in a job?
  64. is there anyone out there who could tell me what to do about my debt?
  65. What personnel records are needed for small retailer?
  66. How would you describe yourself in a job application?
  67. Do anyone here know how to look over a job apply and to check if it good?
  68. How to donate to charity?
  69. Can I get unemployment benefits if I got laid off after a month?
  70. can I get a comotology license in Florida if I have a felony conviction
  71. How do you get a mortgage with a bankruptcy?
  72. What can I do to prepare for my desired career of catching internet predators with Operation Blue Ridge Thunder?
  73. What are high-paid jobs to do with medicine?
  74. Can you become a professional poet, or photographer at age 12-14?
  75. Where can I get a reference?
  76. Is being a secret service agent exciting?
  77. How long is National Guard training?
  78. Is there a difference between Army National Guard and National Guard?
  79. Where in Miami can i study to open up a photo studio/shop ?
  80. How can I get experience, if I can't get a job right now?
  81. Should I add volunteer experience instead of work experience when filling out job applications?
  82. Who believes that swipeauction is a scam?
  83. How can i go about getting a job as an online flight reservation or flight booking job?
  84. Should I wait until I get out of college to find my first job?
  85. Should I become a Doula or Midwife, or Childbirth Educator?
  86. Where can I find a bicentennial quarter?
  87. Which generally makes more money, a doctor/surgeon or a lawyer?
  88. is it true investing in insurance companies is tax free?
  89. Why is it so hard for me to find a job?
  90. what would i need if i wanna be a law and order detective type person as a career ?
  91. Do I have to have a license, or any kind of schooling to cut hair out of my own home for extra money?
  92. how can i save up 178+ dollors to buy an iPod touch?
  93. What exactly is a high-risk bank account?
  94. Should I quit my job at McDonalds?
  95. What are the ups and downs about the National Guard?
  96. How fast will i recieve my cash from Cash4Gold?
  97. What business trend do you think is having the biggest impact on the economy?
  98. Is the Adsense content ID the same as publisher ID?
  99. When entering your Adsense ID, do you put the ID for the Adsense for Content, or the Publisher ID that you see at the top right?
  100. How many people have signed up for Adsense but have no website?