Health Questions

  1. What can help me to get rid of...?
  2. How bad is the random bleeding when you use the four periods pill?
  3. What is the tight pressure in my stomach pushing against my ribs?
  4. How long does adderall stay in your system?
  5. Why does my ankle do thhis?
  6. Im like sad all the time
  7. What can I do about my depression?
  8. Why is my period flow changing ?
  9. What is it when you bleed for 2 month and over?
  10. Why dose my mom have her period for months at a time?
  11. Why haven't I been able to sleep for the last week?
  12. How does ADHD affect a person?
  13. When or if my sister does this will it effect her or the babies?
  14. Why do my breasts hurt really bad and are hard?
  15. When should you get a breast examination?
  16. Which works better for cramps midol or pamprin??
  17. How can I help my cousin stop abusing Pills!!! PLEASE HELP!!!?
  18. How do I get rid of this white stuff coming Out of my vijina?
  19. What is wrong if I've been vaginally bleeding for a month non-stop?
  20. What do you prefer, tampons or pads?
  21. Why are scratches apperaring on me when I sleep?
  22. Who knows? Is this normal or am I nuts?
  23. Why has my hair started to go grey at 14 years old???
  24. Why am I waking up with scars on my arms and hands?
  25. What can I do to ease the pain of my incoming wisdom tooth?
  26. How to find any medical doctors order transcribing quizzes?
  27. What do I do with eye boogers?
  28. How do I wash the inside of my vag?
  29. Why cant I relax?
  30. Why are my hand peeling?
  31. How can I keep calm when visiting a homeopathy person?
  32. How would these things effect pregnancy within the first month?
  33. How do I get my penis to stop hurting?
  34. Can getting fingered wit sperm and your finger gt you pregnant?
  35. What timings and how to take ec or morning pill?
  36. Why do I get white gooey discharge?
  37. How can you make a girl pregnant wthout intercourse?
  38. What would I need to do to continue to breastfeed after a fast ?
  39. What is gram negative/positive bacterial infection?
  40. How come I almost collapsed from smoking weed?
  41. How do I completely stop my mood swings?
  42. how do I get weed out of my system asap?
  43. When do boobs/breasts generally stop growing?
  44. Why dont I get my period and can I have kids if I never get it?
  45. How can I quit?
  46. How come I can feel fetal movement at 6 weeks?
  47. If I kiss someone who smokes weed regularly will it affect me?
  48. Why does pain have to hurt?
  49. Why so sick?
  50. What can I do to make my cousin stop..?
  51. Are you supposed to wash inside your vagina?
  52. How long does a baby have to stay in the hospital if born at 6 mth?
  53. What could be wrong with my ankle?
  54. How to prevent sleep speaking?
  55. How long after vaginal distress do you have your first period?
  56. How did I get bruised from being fingered?
  57. How to help back pain and pneumonia?
  58. Why is my sperm clear?
  59. When my back hurts, why do I have a cold burning feeling?
  60. Why haven't I gotten my period yet?
  61. How hygenic is the family toothpaste tube?
  62. What are early pregnancy signs what about tender breast and nipps?
  63. why is PMSing so scary?
  64. Why havent I had a period in 12 months am I infertal?
  65. How do you cope with depression when its not normal depression?
  66. How come im 16 and does not have any hair under my arms?
  67. How can I unjamm my finger?
  68. How tall am I going to be?
  69. What would happen if I didn't eat iron?
  70. What to do I have brown almost dark blood with this months cycle?
  71. How long does a headache from an anxiety attack last?
  72. How do I talk to people about feelings?
  73. How - do girls live longer than guys?
  74. When a chick has a baby is it true that she gets looser?
  75. Why do boobies itch?
  76. How do I help myself to be happier?
  77. Why is this happening after smoking weed?
  78. Can playing basketball while being pregnant hurt my baby if I am?
  79. What should I do, they wont go away?
  80. What Can Breast Discharge Mean?
  81. How well can I trust a doctor?
  82. how much water are we supposed to drink in a day?
  83. How to treat a pulsating eyelid?
  84. When I feel like im gonna binge eat, what do I do?
  85. What do I do? My friend wants to do heroin?
  86. What can happen if I continue to take birthcontrol pills as a man?
  87. Why do I feel like I have to pee way before I orgasm?
  88. Why doesn't my mom have Tourettes?
  89. why? HPV vaccine reaction?
  90. How to get weed of your system QUICK ?
  91. Why am I so negative?
  92. How can I stop getting so stressed over my exams?
  93. What is the wet clear stuff in my underwear and will it go away?
  94. When squeezing will it hurt my baby?
  95. Why she had nosebleed and smell blood sometimes?
  96. Who has used 5 hour energy supplement?
  97. What can help bring your period along ?
  98. What Detox Pills Work for THC Removal and do they really work?
  99. How come my emotions are weird?
  100. Why am I breaking out into a allergic reation?!?