What can I do about my depression?

I’m 13 and I’m really depressed… I’m so self concious because I have acne that won’t go away, I’m not skinny, my hair is like straw because I straighten it, my eye brows are too big and I don’t want to get them waxed in fear of them looking dumber than they already are.. My eyes are also having some problems and the eye docter says I will have the problems for life.. which I hardly beleive cause when I was my other eye docter seemed to know how to fix it… My friends are being really mean to me and ignore me unless they feel like talking to me. Everything is just stressing me out so much. I don’t know what to do anymore..please help me.

Answer #1

I know how you are feeling. I was just told my one of my old friend that im fat and ugly and thats why im still a virgin because guys dont like to have sex with girls who look like guys. And yesterday I was told from my two brothers and heir friend about how ugly I am. Im so self conscious of my acne[that I’ve had for the past 4 years] that I wont look people in their eyes anymore because when I do that, they can see all the flaws in me. I was getting measure for a uniform for color guard yesterday and I had to tell her how much I weighed and I said 130lbs. and she was like really?!?! thats a lot for a girl your age. I feel so worthless compared to everyone else. I’ve cut/done drugs/burned myself/drank/over dosed basically everything just to make me forget about all my problems. The weird thing was, it worked, but I regret it now because now I have scars, and addictions and im only 15. I just learned to blog about things to get my feelings out. Sometimes, I still have real big break downs. I hate it. I hope that one day my self esteem will go up and ill be happy, but I also fear it never will.

Answer #2

Hey buddy, don’t get distressed. Lots of people of all ages get really depressed- but especially teens like you! I was horribly depressed when I was your age.

I felt really ugly too. Don’t worry- you’ll grow out of teenage awkwardness soon enough, and that acne will disappear to.

In the mean time, the best thing you can do to treat your depression is to go out and get some exercise! Seriously! Recent studies have shown that 30 minutes per day of vigorous exercise is AS EFFECTIVE as chemical antidepressants! Eventually, as you make your body healthier, you will feel better about your looks as well.

Depression is also related to stress. So find a way to let some of that stress out! Maybe learn to play the guitar or piano- that helps me. Maybe right some sad poetry.

Try finding someone who looks just as lonely as you, and invite him/her to go see movie or something after school. Make friends that are cooler than the ones you have now.

Answer #3

Just be happy whit who you are! Think that who you are makes you you! And also think that if you were any difrent you would not be happy eathier. I at first wasent happy eathier but know im all the way confident just be happy and keep you head up and when people try to tell you something mean turn the other cheek!

Answer #4

I can not tell you to be happy and stop being so sad because I know its hard to come out of that. If you dont like how much you weigh then work out. You dont like your eye brow but you dont wan’t to chance then so wait untill you feel you are ready to have them done. Wash your face every day and if that does not work go to the doctor. You have a lot on your mind just try to look the bigger problems then looks and if you dont like the way your friends treat you, make new friends. Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #5

hey hunn, dont be unhappy. Im 13 too and I know what your going through. YOu need to be happy with who you are. I learned how to deal with it and im still learning, just dont be a dummy and cut. Yeah, it helps a bit…but it doesnt take the pain away. Be happy! Listen to nevershoutnever! Its impossible to listen to him without being happy! Dont be sad hunn(: Talk to me! Message me! Im here. -victoria(:

Answer #6

im 13 and depresed too and I burned my self with a iron dont do that!!! its hard to hide!! but for me I just talked to some people about how I feel this kinda helped and if you need people to talk to im hear im going through the same thing and you are still not as bad as I am I actually think about killing myself! but please im hear for people who are going through the same thing I am! hope this helped !! good luck ! =)

Answer #7

oh my goodness. all of these answers are so terrible. depression sucks. I know I dealt with it too for a couple of years. im only 15. I used to cut and I was a little suicidal. Now of course I regret it, I hate seeing those scars on my arms and legs and feet and stomic. I know just what to tell you. GO SOMEWHERE. ANYWHERE AND GET TO KNOW GOD. HE HELPED ME AND HE WILL.. HE WILL HELP YOU. when your out of deppression you will always have him. please trust me

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