why is PMSing so scary?

my friend iz PMSing wht do I say or do. or wht not to say or do? shes crying right now, helppp!

Answer #1

it’s not scary. She hasn’t turned into some kind of evil monster, she’s just a bit more emotional than usual. This isn’t the same for all girls. Some say PMS is just a myth. Others use it as an excuse to be moody and get away with it. And some genuinely find it a problem. All that happens is they can get extra moody - no big deal, just try to be supportive and don’t be offended if they snap at you.

Answer #2

pms can be mild or severe… it can turn you into another person. Be supportive!!! The first year my boyfriend and I dated we broke up once a month lol. Try to give her space and support at he same time strange but it will help

Answer #3

good advice… I got her sum ice cream now shes happy… for now

Answer #4

Periods suck! Ew, and so does the quality of this vid…silly bandwidth

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