Why is my period flow changing ?

My periods are just maddd! im due on the 17-18th but this time round I started on the 21st… then just my normal period started then it slowed down yesterday & this morning but now its started fast flowing of blood again and its really annoying because I think im never going to stop! :S and the pain is upsetting and annyoing as well so why does my flow keep changing ? I started my first ever period in June so im kinda new to all this ?? HELP PLEASE! .x

Answer #1

You jsut got your first ever period in June, THATS why its so irregual. For a couple years after you start your period they will be crazy irregual. and all through your life there will be some amount of irrgularity. I started in 7th grage Im not a junior. and I still hvae irrularity. no where near as much but still. its totally normal, not worry.

Answer #2

My mom whose a nurse says, “you’re bodys adjusting to new hormonal changes and it will be normal soon.” Hope this helped.

Answer #3

dont worry mines still like that I started last january lol

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