Health Questions

  1. Why! Is it so hard for me to fall asleep?
  2. Why would my ears be reacting this way?
  3. How do I pass a urine test if I take soma and codeine?
  4. How my voice is better? I am not sick. I've problem for 1 week.?
  5. how can I clean my system safley while pregnant?
  6. What's wrong with mii???
  7. why would a woman not have her period in two years?
  8. How will high altitudes affect my asthma?
  9. How should I go about going on the pill ?
  10. How should I stop my period in a natural way without pills?
  11. Why is my period nearly 2months late ?
  12. what should I do if I can't get to bed?
  13. how can I tell if I'm fertile with an irregular period?
  14. What are the chances I could get prego without having intercourse?
  15. What are the symptoms of depression and anxiety?
  16. What can I do about my underarms?
  17. What should I do about this bump behind my ear?
  18. Why do I have a problem body odour cant get rid of it?
  19. Who likes to smoke??
  20. What do you do when you suspect your child of smoking Ibuprofen?
  21. What birth control makes your period shorter but not gain weight?
  22. How do you know if you bruised a rib?
  23. How long does it take for yaz birth control pills to work?
  24. How can I get marijuana out of my system by tommorow?
  25. Who knows if the vinegar thing REALLY works?
  26. Why is my puberty finnished but I have never had a single period?
  27. What to expect when first starting birth control?
  28. Why does my doctor listen to my stomach?
  29. What should I do with my toe?
  30. Why am I getting a bigger appetite?
  31. Why does it hurt so much when she goes to the toilet?
  32. What if a girl went dr and she pregant and I had to come back ?
  33. What would happen if start my pill late than the 7 day break?
  34. Can throwing up become addictive?
  35. Why cant I sleep without sound?
  36. How do I get ride of cramps FAST!!!?
  37. Why - Is it so wrong to want another baby so soon?
  38. What does it meanwhen you go without your period for months?
  39. What dose it mean when your urine is clear as water?
  40. What is everyone mostly afraid of? Death or Ageing?
  41. How to know if you have diabetes or sugar problems ?
  42. How do I know if I've fractured my tailbone?
  43. What is happening - Tongue/Vigamox?
  44. Why haven't I had my period for 2 months?
  45. why are my nipples hard and sore?
  46. What should I draw because I'm really bored??
  47. where can I get a longer bar for my monroe?
  48. why does my breathe always taste horrible?
  49. What. I think my wisdom tooth is growing?
  50. Who :can anyone help me get to sleep?
  51. Why am I wanting to get pregnant?
  52. how many people contimplate suicide?
  53. Who ...Are one night stands okaye to have occasionally ?
  54. Why do I randomly pass out?
  55. Can chlamydia be transmitted threw pipes?
  56. How ... Does weed make you horny ?
  57. How can I not feel like this?
  58. How can I convince my mother my everlasting hip pain is real?
  59. What's with my cold/hot sweats at night?
  60. How to get milk in the breast without a child?
  61. how do I tell him I don't want an abortion?
  62. Should I see a doctor?
  63. What is wrong with me? I need to know?
  64. How can I get tighter vigina?
  65. What do I do I took three small hits 7 days ago and test in a week?
  66. How.. is it possible for a 13 year old to lose short term memory ?
  67. How can I sleep early??
  68. How is it that I might be 3 month pregnant but the test are neg.?
  69. why do I feel fire in my chest ?
  70. why is one of them bigger then the other ?
  71. Why have the veins in my breast become more prominent?
  72. What websites would you recommend I feel so depressed?
  73. How can I not smell like smoke-or-weed{my dad smokes}?
  74. Why) Why does my ex girlfriend have yellow/green discharge?
  75. What, is it possible to feel pregnant without taking a test?
  76. How do I know if I still have warts after I see nothing?
  77. How can you safely pop a pimple?
  78. how...I have a question a need to ask to girls?
  79. What is up with my monthleys!?
  80. Why is my period over 2 weeks long, im 15?
  81. What are other ways that your period wont come?
  82. How can I sort out my ankle problem?
  83. When I went for a check up and I peed in a cup?
  84. Why do I laugh when I'm in pain?
  85. What is wrong with me, soo tired and wanna cry?
  86. What helps get rid of the pain for spacers?!?
  87. When can I start to eat meat after I get my tongue pierced?
  88. Why do I have heavy bleeding while on the depo- provera shot?
  89. What are some good ways to get rid of a headache?
  90. What is a good way to stop stress?
  91. What do I do if my back tooth isscencitive because of a toung ring?
  92. What are these indents on my calves?
  93. Why am I still on my period?
  94. Who can please help me!!! I need help??
  95. Why is my period seeming off and on?
  96. what does it mean when you get your period after you just got over it?
  97. When constipated should your stomach feel hard?
  98. Can I have dyslexia without a family record?
  99. How can I lower thc levels in 24 hrs?
  100. Why does my pee have a foul odor and it is cloudy?