When I went for a check up and I peed in a cup?

I went for a check up and peed in a cup does that check for if im pregnant?

Answer #1

if you are older then 40 you cant have a kid

Answer #2

Could be a drug test too

Answer #3

it depends on what the pee test was for.

Answer #4

if your under 40 yes, if your not then no

Answer #5

If your doctor ordered a pregnancy test than they will test for that.

Answer #6

Yep. But it could also be used for something else.

Answer #7

The check up is to make sure you’re healthy. They usually don’t take a urine sample unless you’ve mentioned being pregnant or unusual symptoms like colored or smelly discharge, a burning sensation when peeing or pain. If you mentioned those then they might check for pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease or infections, as well as common infections like urinary tract infection. They also can do a drug test with your urine sample but this is not part of a routine check-up.

Getting annual check-ups are really important especially once you start having sex. So this is a really good step into taking good care of yourself! It’s important to learn about being and staying healthy so don’t be shy to ask the doctor questions. Next time, ask them to explain to you what they are doing, after all you have aright to know!

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