How is it that I might be 3 month pregnant but the test are neg.?

Well I think that I am three to four months pregnant but the tests have came out negative and I dont feel a baby but I feel a really strong pulse and I have a lot of pregnancy symptoms does this mean im not pregnant?

Answer #1

At 3 months pregnant, the tests would be POSITIVE. AND you should have already talked to a doctor before your finish your second month…if you were that CERTAIN you were pregnant.

If you were 4 months pregnant, you’d already be showing.

Answer #2

If you think you are three to four months pregnant and multiple tests have come back negative, then you’re most likely not pregnant. By three months, the pregnancy hormone urine tests look for would be quite evident. There is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, however. That’s when the embryo attaches itself in one of your fallopian tubes, and that wouldn’t show up on a home pregnancy test. I would suggest going to a doctor/obgyn for a blood test and further examination.

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