Health Questions

  1. What can I do about my breakouts around my period?
  2. How can I feel better about myself?
  3. Why is it that I can only think clearly when I shuld be asleep?
  4. What can I do about my menstrual acne?
  5. What to except when you have hip replacement?
  6. Why can I pop my ankle voluntary?
  7. When does my mate become a man?
  8. What if start taking the pill before my period starts?
  9. How do I know if im really havin a misscarage?
  10. Why is she feeling kicks around her pubic area?
  11. Why Won't my acne go away pleas help ?
  12. Why did he suddenly wake up not able to talk or move?
  13. How I am going to interpret the pt result ?
  14. Why do I get these wierd waves of pain in my stomach?
  15. Why do I have black heads and some black spots on my legs?
  16. What is the best way to benefit from massages?
  17. Why do I have a little piece of skin between my vagina lips?
  18. How do I convince my bestie she's not fat?
  19. How to get a medical marijuana prescription in washington?
  20. What is the typical weight for someone who is 5'1 or 5'2 or 5'0?
  21. Who else secretly bites their toenails?
  22. Why do I feel so down ?
  23. What are the personal characteristics of a pediatric nurse?
  24. How long does it take for your body to know its pregnant?
  25. How can I drink normaly?
  26. Why are there white worms in my poo?
  27. Which one is better, hot or cold milk to help you sleep?
  28. What was my herb laced in?
  29. What is wrong with my period?
  30. What should I do about my bleeding body peircing?
  31. What...guys do you like chubby vaginas or skinny ones?
  32. How long do you usaully ovulate for?
  33. What can I do to get taller im 4'10 and 17?
  34. What brand birth control pills can make your breast larger?
  35. How will cerazette stop my period?
  36. What is the cause of burning feeling when my bladder is empty?
  37. Who,is it normal that I can still be hard after 3 times of c*ming?
  38. What can I do to stop my periods as its being 8 days now?
  39. Who can help me with unknown infection of my Gauges?
  40. Why do I hurt under my chin?
  41. Why does maddie smell like soup all the time?
  42. How come I haven't gotten my period or boobs?
  43. Why won't I grow bigger?
  44. What is the omni cleansing liq.and does it work for pot on a urine?
  45. Who reading this has had a complicated femur break?
  46. What are the red bumps in my arm pit? Why are they so swollen?
  47. Why does The Back Of My Mouth Hurt Like Where the dangling Ball Is?
  48. How can I stop my addiction to poking my ear?
  49. How to deal with an inconsistent period?
  50. Why do I have lumps in my boobs theyr'e big + I'm just developing?
  51. Where do they sell the uti pill's?
  52. How to treat naval when it is secreting puss for 7 days?
  53. How to get rid of the naval puss staying at home?
  54. How long does crack remain in your system?
  55. Why is it when I walk my lower stomach hurts?
  56. Who washes their butthole in the shower?
  57. What does it mean when your left testical hurts, and lower stomach?
  58. Who has advice on dealing with hymatablism???
  59. What is happening to me?
  60. Why is my monroe piercing red around the hole & raised?
  61. What can you see in a MRI scan for the uterus?
  62. What should I do about my period?
  63. what all dose covertlabs strip NC take out of your system?
  64. What should I do about pain in my right side?
  65. How do you feel when you are ovulating?
  66. How long can a tapeworm be inside you and could I have one?
  67. What can I do fo fix blow outs?
  68. How you get colored contacts that fix a lazy eye ?
  69. how can I stop my period for going on holiday?
  70. How could a girl be prego with twins from 2 diff dads?
  71. How does fish oil effect thc in your system?
  72. How do I fix a cut lip?
  73. What side effects should I expect and how soon?
  74. When can the semens pass through dry humping ?
  75. How long will it take my tongue piercing to close ?
  76. Why do boobs hurt really bad and I'm only 18 ?
  77. How do I get nuva ring?
  78. Why do girls that get on birthcontrol, have longer periods?
  79. Why does my vagina hurt sooo bad ???
  80. How old is a girl supposed to weigh at 18yrs?
  81. How can you act like you swallowed birth control ?
  82. What are all the signs of a cavity?
  83. How to have will power to stop cravings?
  84. What does coffee do to your body?
  85. What is wrong with my leg lately?
  86. How do you know if you have OCD???
  87. What should I eat, drink, etc. If I'm 13 and prego?
  88. What happened to me?
  89. How come I gain weight with iud?
  90. What? is it true when you get your period you stop growing?
  91. How do I get my nose back , I fractured it but how do I fix it?
  92. What is the fastest way to clear my system of weed before a test?
  93. Where do girls get cramps?
  94. How to change your pad at school?
  95. Should I go to the doctor?
  96. What can I do to ease horrible period pains!?
  97. Why do my braces hurt more than normal?
  98. What is this small bump?
  99. How do I stop myself from going back into a depressive cycle?
  100. When my cum taste spicy am I sick I got scared when my ex say that?