What are all the signs of a cavity?

What are the signs of a cavity..how does it feel what does it look like any what else..Can you get a cavity if you had root canal a year ago?And if you were just at the dentist March 25th and she didnt see any cavities do you have them now?

Answer #1

A cavity is caused by the bacteria in your mouth consuming carbohydrates and creating acid and it creates black spots on your teeth. These spots look like spots to the eye but they’re actually perforations. Too much acid being built up in your mouth deteriorates teeth. Specifically the enamel of teeth, the loss of hard tissue (enamel) is caused by the liquids or foods constantly washing against your enamels. Things like soda pop are meant to be avoided since soda has a negative pH. It looks like this: Oral bacteria + carbohydrates = acid. The acid causes the enamels to be weakened and then eventually preforated. Also since soda pop has a negative pH – mix that with the acid build up caused by the bacteria and the process in getting a cavity quickens.

Although, carbohydrates are meant to make up 55% of your diet. Foods that have sugar added to them should only make up 10%. Oral bacteria can digest the carbohydrates and create acid. If you want to know what a cavity looks like, look at this picture: http://davidc85.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/cavity.jpg

As for the root canal and the dentist visit, I think in the time span you can get a cavity.

Answer #2

it hurts to eat chewy things and you can not put cold stuff on it

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