What should I do about pain in my right side?

So I’m 32 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I saw my doctor Monday and talked to her about my side hurting she told me that it was just braxton hics cause the pain went away. Well today my right side was hurting so much that I couldn’t even eat. I felt really nauseated and actually threw up. The pain is still there and it hurts worse when I stand up. I know I should probably call the doctor but I would feel stupid if it is really just Braxton Hics. It started at 11:15 am and is still hurting and it is 9:52 pm. I have no appetite and drink lots of fluids. There is no bleeding that I have seen but I do throw up when the pain gets worse. Any ideas what might be causing the pain?

Answer #1

really think you should get hold oh your gp sweetie

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