How come I haven't gotten my period or boobs?

So I’m 13 and my 4 closest friends all have they’re period. (in fact one just got theirs today so now I’m the only one) and they all have boobs. My mom said she got her period when she was in 7th grade and said she started wearing a bra around 6th grade (I’m in 7th about to be in 8th) I’m feeling left out in my group because all my friends can talk about that stuff and I can’t relate. I’m completely flat. some of the girls were flat last year but now this year everyone has boobs! I’m the only one who doesnt! And I dont feel comfortable asking my mom to let me wear a padded bra. I know everyone is going to tell me to just be patient and my time will come but I guess I just need some comforting words.

Answer #1

I felt exactly like you do when I was your age. In the girls’ locker room before PE class, everyone would be talking about their periods, or their “friend” as we called it back then, and I would just lie and say I had got mine too. I was also flat-chested, but I wore a bra with a bit of padding in it.

In reality, I was so worried there was something seriously wrong with me. I was a bit of a hypochondriac and I actually thought that maybe I was trans-gendered and had a vagina, but no uterus or ovaries inside and that I would never grow breasts. I of course never talked to my mom or anyone about my feelings.

I didn’t get my first period until I was 14. It happened in PE class (coincidence?), and I was so excited that I called my mom from the pay phone outside the gym. (Yeah, I’m that old! We still had pay phones! Haha, I’m 24.) My breasts started to grow shortly after that, and they got really big really fast. I went from nothing to a 36C. I’m down to a B these days though because I lost a bunch of weight after high school.

My advice to you, sweetie, is don’t feel bad about yourself or feel pressured by the other girls. Your day will come. And when it does, you’ll soon realize what a nuisance it is to have your darn period every month! It’s nice to have boobies though. :)

Answer #2

You’re right that in time they will grow but what I think you don’t know is that you don’t grow at the same pace as your friends. What is okay for them is not okay for you. From what I’ve seen, wanting bigger breasts is not something you actually want. Girls with bigger breasts tend to complain because of backaches and guys constantly staring at them. Keep in mind, besides getting implants, and getting pregnant. The only real way to gain breast size is to gain weight and all the weight won’t just go to your breasts. Fat tends to fluctuate around your body.

I’m a little fearful when I read that you feel ‘’left out’’. This clues me in to believing that there is some kind of peer pressure going on in your school and you’re making yourself the product of it. Big breasts won’t give you anything besides a bunch of pervy guys and backaches. In case you wonder, a period is the last thing a girl wants because of all the pains and cramps that come with it. Enjoy the fact that you don’t have to worry about these ‘’issues’’ yet.

Good luck…

Answer #3

and another thing, my sister didnt get hers till she was 17. just be glad. they can come at the age of 7, till your 19. it just depends. dont worry about it.

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