Health Questions

  1. how can i get over my anger issues?
  2. How can i relieve my back pain without pain pills?
  3. What is the best way to take gross crushed up meds with sugar?
  4. How do I get rid of this ringworm?
  5. What can help my dry nose caused by using toilet paper instead of tissues?
  6. Why am I feeling like this?
  7. What would happen if you snort ecstacy?
  8. Why does this hurt so bad & what's the cause ?
  9. Why does my fanny itch all the time?
  10. What happens if you don't inhale the smoke of a cigarette or a cigar?
  11. Why does it feel like there's something stuck in my throat?
  12. Why are poisons and medicines made of the same substance but given with different intentions?
  13. whats the quickest way to fall asleep?
  14. Is refilling gas in a car during pregnancy harmful for the baby?
  15. Would not sleeping enough make you more hungry than usual?
  16. Why do people get grumpy when they haven't had enough sleep?
  17. How do I keep my feet warm without making them sweat?
  18. why do old people shake when they poor coffee, drink milk and get into the tub?
  19. why do i get car sick and how can i make it stop??
  20. Why evey time I eat sweet or chocolate I get very dizzy??
  21. How can i make brushing my teeth fun for me?
  22. What cause cramps AFTER your period, it's not PMS?
  23. What's the worst you've ever gotten hurt, like, physically?
  24. What's the best brand of sleeping pills and what are the side effects of taking them?
  25. Who thinks being a vegetarian is a good idea?
  26. what dose it mean when you have the same dream everynight??
  27. Is it bad for your health to use a tampon?
  28. How long should periods be irregular for?
  29. Do you have to be a certain age to buy asprin In England?
  30. What does everyone think of pregnant women going clubbing?
  31. What has your experience been with Kava Kava?
  32. does the color of a males cum acutally matter? like white = is good clear = is ??
  33. What do you think of the new FDA approved "ella" 5 day emergency contraceptive pill?
  34. Should I be concerned if an ant bit my foot?
  35. How do I heal my throat?
  36. is it true that sleeping on your stomach is the best way?
  37. Why have I had a headache for the past three days?
  38. WHAT if u had jello as blood?
  39. WHAT if men had to breast feed?
  40. How much more chance would I have of conceiving if me and my partner had normal intercourse or IVF?
  41. When will my kidney stones finally come out?
  42. How do I know when my wisdom teeth holes are heeling?
  43. Which type of water is better for your face cold or hot?
  44. How can I prevent insects biting me so much?
  45. How do you get rid of constipation with home remedies?
  46. Why do you teens sleep so late?
  47. When do teenagers ovulate?
  48. Is it good to take naps??
  49. Why is there yellow stuff coming out of only one of my lip piercings?
  50. Can I still be pregnate with a negitive hpt?
  51. What causes a woman's feet to swell when pregnant?
  52. Who thinks that people who talk about being depressed display narcissistic behaviour?
  53. Who know is cracking your knees is bad?
  54. How comes i have regular period but not breasts?
  55. How can i lower my temperature?
  56. how do you make your vagina skeet???
  57. Will birth control be good for me?
  58. Who knows if it's true that diet drinks are "really bad for you" and "give you stretch marks"?
  59. what is the best and fastest way to control your anger???
  60. How to reduce the pain?
  61. Why do i randomly get pain like on the side under my chin?
  62. Is my vagina normal??
  63. how hard is it to become a doctor?
  64. How effective is yoga for weight loss?
  65. When i eat it feel's like my food doesn't go down right and i have indigestion & my stomach start's to hurt?
  66. whats better for the body? showers or cold onez???
  67. why do i go cross-eyed without out knowing when i wear my glasses ?
  68. How can I get a cut to scab over fast?
  69. how do i prevent the pain of medical shots as they are being recieved?
  70. Why do i always worry about everything?
  71. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
  72. whats the best and fastest way to get id of a cold sore?
  73. Why am I getting the same re-occurring nightmare over again about rape?
  74. What happens if you start feeling barly anything but sadness?
  75. are dark red lumps normal during a period?:|
  76. why do i throw up everything i ea,t and how can i hold my food down?
  77. What are the cons of eating uncooked vegetables?
  78. is it releasing a stres is the advantage of smoking?
  79. How come everytime I go out in public by myself I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack?
  80. how can i find someone proffesional to talk to about problems?
  81. How do I naturally get rid of water retention?
  82. What is my skin up to?
  83. Is it possible to wake up and not feel tired?
  84. How long should I wait before I go to the doctor about my periods?
  85. What does it mean to have sharp elbows?
  86. why do people shiver?
  87. what is wiliams syndrome?
  88. When will my wisdom teeth come through, most of my friends teeth have already came but not mine.
  89. How much blood loss would it take to faint?
  90. Why do I react so badly to brooms?!
  91. How can I not be scared for my wisdom teeth removal?
  92. Why am i doing this ?!
  93. How long does it take for sperm that is on your cl!t area to travel up inside you?
  94. Is it true that if you move while getting an epidural, you can be paralized?
  95. Who has heard that you can't get an epideral if you have a lumbar (lower back) tattoo?
  96. Can you get a stroke from whatching too much tv??
  97. what are the signs when a man orgasims?
  98. What treatment would you seek if you were addicted to therapy?
  99. What would happen if a non-diabetic took a shot of insulin ?
  100. Why is my body so bipolar?