What causes a woman's feet to swell when pregnant?

does it only happen in 2nd-3rd trimester, or can it happen in early pregnancy?

Answer #1

Swelling is caused by fluid buildup in the tissues. Gravity pulls the fluids to your feet and ankles, causing them to swell.

Swelling can be caused by a serious condition of the kidney, heart, liver or blood vessels. Some other causes of swelling are:

Eating a poor diet high in salt and carbohydrates Taking birth control or hormone replacement therapy pills Pregnancy PMS Sodium retention Muscle injury Varicose veins History of phlebitis Allergic reactions Preeclampsia Neuromuscular disorders Trauma Laxative abuse Diuretics abuse Drug abuse Treatment will depend on the cause of the swelling. One of the first treatment options is to elevate the legs above the level of the heart. Anti-inflammatory medicine can also help reduce swelling.

Other treatment options are

Leg wedges to elevate the feet while sleeping. Support socks and stocking Support socks and stockings come in various gradients depending on the pressure needed, and various lengths depending on the level of the edema. Proper fitting shoes and socks. Tips to Reduce Swelling Cut back on salt Salt contributes to fluid retention. Drink plenty of water. Put your feet up Lying on your back, rest your feet at least 12 inches above the level of your heart for 10 to 15 minutes, three or four times a day. Do not abuse laxatives Use support stockings Roll these on in the morning to promote circulation and limit gravitation movement of fluids. Most medical supply or drug stores carry these. Exercise regularly Regular exercise improves circulation. Avoid standing in place for long period of time. Lose excess weight Excess weight slows circulation of body fluids and puts extra pressure on your veins. Increase muscle activity with walking. Avoid long periods of sitting Every one or two hours, get up and walk. Review your medication with your doctors Certain medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and calcium channel blockers, can contribute to swelling. Complications of Swelling? Excess swelling can cause skin ulcerations.

  • credit to yahoo answers :)
Answer #2

Thanks, but that really didn’t answer my question… :( I appreciate the effort though. :)

Answer #3

it doesnt usually happen early in the pregnancy

Answer #4

Swelling is caused by fluid backup, and it happens mainly in the last few months of a pregnancy, possibly sooner if the woman is not resting enough or on her feet to much. Another things most people dont know - swelling is extremely commen after giving birth also, my feet were so swollen after i had my son from the amount of fluids that they have to pump into your body that i couldnt even walk on them.

Answer #5

sorry…i never was pregnant so it made sense to me the whole extra fluid and gravity thing, sorry again. :)

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