How do I get rid of this ringworm?

I have NO money to go to the doctor or a wellness center. I bought some Lamisil AT cream and have been using it for about 3 days. It seems to help, but I keep getting new cases around my body. Is there anything else I should take or do? I repeat, I CANNOT GO TO A DOCTOR; I have NO money for at least 2 weeks and I can’t stand this. Am I spreading it to other areas??? I just don’t know much about it.

Answer #1

have you tried going to the emergency room…they cant send you away & will offer you the best they can…if you dont have insurance the city will cover that…and have to send you to county but still you will get the best advice from a doctor…rather then get all sorts of creams since it is spreading already!

good luck & i hope you feel better soon!

Answer #2

I just looked it up & found a whole bunch of stories told…hope you find the right solution but maybe its true you may just have no choice but to see a dermatologist to find out if in fact you have ringworm or some other fungal infection or some other skin irritation hope this helps a little as well! (feel better!)

Answer #3

Emergency rooms will offer people without insurance some of the most bias care you can recieve. They will do the minimum to treat you (which can sometimes be a single test before forcing you out the door) and they will hound you for the next 7 years for thousands of dollars (or hound your parents).

Emergency rooms also can refuse you treatment if it is not a life threatening emergency and will most likely be angry you went there instead of going to “urgent care” which means going to a crowded room full of sick people for hours hoping you will be seen before having to leave and come back the next day.

Going to the emergency room without insurance is one of the best ways to ruin your parents life, or your own if you are an adult.

Answer #4

Well you cannot get better without some money. Luckally it isn’t too expensive to treat.

If you use a Hydrocortisone cream on the affected areas, applying it multiple times a day. Yeast infection cream also kills fungus just great with the metals it contains. You can even try Tea Tree Oil. Whatever you do, do NOT allow the skin oil from your infected area touch any other part of your body and do not allow it to touch your clothing or bedding either. If you have to, wrap the affected areas, otherwise you are just spreading it all over yourself.

The cream you mentioned seems pretty weak but it will do the job as long as you stop causing new infection sites on your body. When it comes to killing any body fungus or yeast, I have found the 7 day type coochie creams to be far superior than any foot product.

The #1 think you can do is to follow all the infected area isolation steps I mentioned though as it seems that re-infection probably from your clothes or bedding might be your real demon.

Answer #5

OMG Temptress, THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I went directly to that website. SOOO much info! I really think it’s the rosea thing. I did some research on it and it sounds exactly like what I have. I probably will go to the doc, but at least I have an idea of what to get tested for…THANKS AGAIN

Answer #6

Call me crazy, but I thought that not seeing a DR was one of your requirements for treatment and that you were sure of what you had in the first place, probably by looking up pics online and comparing them to your skin.


I know if I said that “X” was impossible and someone told me to do “X” I would surely not find their advice helpful since they didn’t even try to conform their advice to my question…Like they just ignored me and kept on talking.

I’d find it insulting personally for someone to so dissreguard what I had said.

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