Why have I had a headache for the past three days?

…and ive been a little dizzy. i am 16 and a female. What could this be.

Answer #1

Maybe lack of sleep or you are not getting enough to eat. That causes headaches for me.

Answer #2

Dehydration, stress, menstrual cycles, lack of sleep, colds, head trauma. There are tons of things that can cause headaches, try taking some tylenol or ann exedrine migraine and laying down in a cold dark room - it usually helps it go away faster.

Answer #3

can also be the weather, dehydration will do that to ya too… you seem to have the symptoms…headaches…dizziness….unless you are about to get your monthly visitor(yes i mean your period) that also causes those symptoms as well as nausea, cramps, mood swings, swelling (in certain areas - bust) finally cravings…which might follow up with anxiety, insomnia (am i forgetting smth else?! ladies help me out a bit here..)

piece of advice, yes those also sound like pregnancy symptoms, so if you have had unprotected sex, please get 3 pregnancy tests just to be on the safe side! (I highly doubt that you may be pregnant …unless you havent had sex before…then this all speculation…but just in case you have…always be safe then sorry!)

hope you feel better soon…

Answer #4

now that was funny…:)

Answer #5

How is your heart rate? If your blood pressure is low, it can cause those symptoms.

Answer #6

if you have been outside a lot you could of gotten sun stroke

Answer #7

Dehydration is the usually reason i get a lot of headaches :P.

Answer #8

it could be because ur stressed. if it has been longer than a week then tell a docter because this is how brain tumors and mental illness begin

Answer #9

could be: dehydration, stress/muscle tension, hormonal. Get a nek massgae see if that helps. You could be sleeping on your head/neck the wrong way and not know it. If it is really bad or you feel dizzy nausea or arm/leg weakness, vision changes you need to go to your doctor.

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