What do you think of the new FDA approved "ella" 5 day emergency contraceptive pill?

Apparently, it’s more effective than the plan b pill by a large margin…and based on what I’ve read here consistently over the years, not every woman who goes through trauma acts fast enough to make the plan b a viable option.

Answer #1

ive never heard of it but it does sound like a good option, a lot of girls and women often dont know about plan b, or dont get it in time, 3 days after sex isnt all that long, adding 2 days would be better, especially if its a more effective pill. though like anything it can have its disadvantages, and with every pill, can be abused. i also think a lot of girls would use it like birth control. however for the ones who are going to use it properly, i think its a great idea

Answer #2

The extra two days it allows for is good, but I do find it concerning that it works by blocking progesterone, (i.e, the same way RU-486 pills work) due to the possibility of misuse, which could be really dangerous

Answer #3

also, from what I can find online, it prevents 60% of pregnancies, which is an improvement, but if you took it, and still ended up pregnant, I would be concerned about the effect the lack of progesterone would have on both the mother and baby. For example, a lot of work is done in our labs on lack of progesterone resulting in post-partem depression.

Answer #4

What i dont quite understand is that the whole argument behind plan b was that it did not terminate a pregnancy it prevented one since it had to be taken by 72 hours. If you can take it up to a week later now, the egg has already fertilizied the sperm so a pregnancy has already started so this pill would be an early ab.ortion pill. I am pro-choice, but i feel there should be a little more involved in terminating a pregnancy than going to pharmacy and simply buying a pill.

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