Health Questions

  1. Should I call children services or can i call them if my baby;s mom is smoking pot around our 10 month old?
  2. Is it normal to drink water more than 8 glasses a day?
  3. What is elephantiasis?
  4. What are hookworms or pinworms?
  5. Why am i spotting after working out?
  6. How long do people wait for a fractured scaphoid to be diagnosed?
  7. What does it mean if i woke up with red itchy swollen eyes???
  8. how does my weight effect my chance of pregnancy?
  9. How do you sooth a scorched tongue?
  10. Why did i start gaining all my lost weight again when school started?
  11. how to grow 6 more inches after puberty?
  12. How long until you can use your inhaler after puffs ?
  13. What happenes when your sick and blood come out?
  14. Who thinks addictive behavior is an inherted disorder?
  15. Why do people always worry more about the health of their pets than their own health?
  16. What can I do about my knee?
  17. Why do i get random ear pains?
  18. Can an infected boil near the anus lead to anal fistula?
  19. How does a lightbulb just burn out?
  20. what causes hiccups & which is the easiest way to stop them?
  21. Can having your period cause the front of your thigh to hurt ?
  22. How do you get rid of skunk odor?
  23. Why did the H1N1 virus have so much hype even tho it had a low mortality rate?
  24. When on your inactive pills when do YOU PERSONALLY start your period?
  25. is there still a chance you can get pregent while yer boyfiend is smoking weed ?
  26. why do i feel sick after working out?
  27. Is cum really good for you?
  28. How do I know if I just had an anxiety atack?
  29. Why does it hurts when i pee and causein bleeding?
  30. Why am I having hot flashes, when it's cold?
  31. Why do i like to stay home from school when i have my period ?
  32. how to prevent chaffing?
  33. Can birth control make ur boobs bigger without you getting fat?
  34. What are some things that i can do to help with a uti until i can get some medicine?
  35. Why do I get so emotional when I'm drunk?
  36. Does asthma ever go away?
  37. What do you do when you start something and cant stop, even though its really dangerous?
  38. Why does your nose run when your cold?
  39. are pregnancy test free at planned parenthood?
  40. Do you believe "health is wealth"?
  41. why does my central heating system always dries my throat when ever I wake up?
  42. When should I get my prostate exam?
  43. Why am I snappy when I dont feel good or have less sleep?
  44. what kind of ointment to i have to buy for a shaving rash or something (down there) ?
  45. Why is it that ever since my dad found out he has high blood pressure, he has been getting more angry like he wants it to be high?
  46. What are some good lotions to help your arm pain?
  47. What are your opinions on the best ways to quit smoking cigarettes?
  48. What are the negative side effects of getting an ephidural for labour?
  49. Why is it that when I finally get a good night sleep, I feel more tired than when I don't sleep well?
  50. Why do i sometimes get a burning sensation (not well urinating) up inside my v@gina?
  51. how to stop bleeding instantly?
  52. Does anyone here have night terrors? i would have them every night when i was little. id scream and cry. then wake up the next morning and not remember a thing.
  53. Where does the toetag go on a dead person if they don't have toes?
  54. What are some advantages to drinking milk daily?
  55. Where can i find a physciatrist in central new jersey that is a woman and is not indian,muslim,or any of those?
  56. Does showering keep me from getting head aches(wait/read for details)?
  57. why does chewing tobacoo make u spit?
  58. how can i stop worrying about my weight?
  59. Why does deodrant make me sweat more?
  60. is there any risk in eating weed candy?
  61. Which is good for health when we take baths - Hot Water or Cold Water?
  62. Should i re ask my doc for pain pills?
  63. is it safee to buy a belly button ring at hot topic?
  64. how long does it usually take for severed ligaments to heal?
  65. how many months do you have to be for your stomach to look pregnant?
  66. What is this almighty pain in my leg?
  67. What is the limit to how many mommy pops someone should eat per day?
  68. How does cranberry juicy help pregnant women?
  69. Do you think those who talk to themselves are mentally sick?
  70. Are there any ways to fix minor disabilities(like a stutter/lisp)?
  71. Are there any foods that can help increase/maintain good blood flow?
  72. Why do I keep smelling and tasting Windex?
  73. What is the root cause for Autism?
  74. How long will the recovery time be for a meniscus tear surgery?
  75. What is your opinion on Lasic eye surgery?
  76. How to stop the brain from Aging?
  77. Can you get legal weed for a tooth ache?
  78. What can I expect to get out of therapy?
  79. Why is my scalp always so itchy when i lay down to go to sleep at night?
  80. What happens when you have to urinate but hold it in?
  81. What was your first pap smear like?
  82. Is there actually any (long term) affect to drinking pop?
  83. Are there any disadvantages to not getting the chicken pox and is there any specific reason I haven't gotten it?
  84. When should I take my showers when on the "female cycle"?
  85. can you donate blood even if you're sick with a cold? ...
  86. Can you put the freeze stuff for warts on a mole, do you think it would be safe?
  87. Can a male use female hormones pills to soften the features on their body?
  88. Why do I have a curiosity about getting high?
  89. Is it bad to use a nicotine inhaler over and over ?
  90. What is this skin underneath my tongue?
  91. can girls still breast feed if they have 2 nipples on each breast?
  92. What do people find appealing about Hookah?
  93. Why does my stomach hurt whenever I swallow cum?
  94. Can weed give you cancer?
  95. Are there any cures for trigger finger without surgery?
  96. Should I start taking my prescribed sleeping pills?
  97. what is the difference between Natrilix SR and Natrilix?
  98. Is it true that urine can be used as medicine?
  99. Why do my right hand hurt?
  100. How many times do you need to have tonsillitis to be eligible to get your tonsils out?