What is this skin underneath my tongue?

Its growing around my new piercing and if I move my tongue a certain way, it hurts from the bottom. What is it? Is it normal?

Answer #1

I’d go to your piercer and ask them whats up.

Answer #2

It sounds like your body is rejecting the piercing. You need to go to the person who pierced it and have them look at it to be sure, but usually with those symptoms your body is rejecting the piercing or the jewelry that was used to pierce it and is trying to close the wound on top of the piercing.

Answer #3

most people i know that have tongue piercings, had this for about a month after they first gotten it done. it’s more than likely just dead cells gathering at the site of the piercing, nothing harmful. if you. it’d be a good idea to ask your piercer about it

Answer #4

woops, typo. **if you are really concerned, it’d be a good idea to ask your piercer about it

Answer #5

aha well I’ve looked up online, and it seems people get this quite a lot. Usually a bit after getting the piercing, skin starts to grow underneath the tongue around the bar. :O I hope it goes away soon.

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