Should i re ask my doc for pain pills?

she didnt want me on anything til I have seen the ENT but its getting worse my sinus are killing me

Answer #1

Yes, you should. I think your Dr. should have given you something. You shouldn’t been left to suffer. If needed go to the hospital, they’ll help you. I hope you get something for the pain and start feeling better

Answer #2

Thank you I will call her tomorrow or monday or just go in and see what they can do.

Answer #3

It never hurts to ask but most doctors are very hesitant to give patients any kind of serious pain medication due to the addictive nature of the substance. If you have a sinus problem, it’s probably some sort of infection in which case you’d be better off seeking antibiotics to treat the problem directly. I had an upper respiratory infection recently and found that common headache medication or sudafed helped a lot. It’s best to talk to your doctor again, or go to the hospital if the pain is really intolerable.

Answer #4

No its serve sinusitis and i have had it for awhile thats why i am see my ENT bc i need a mri and have surgery

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