What are hookworms or pinworms?

we talked about them in zoology today but i didnt get it and i have to describe them on a worksheet i need helppp

Answer #1

A hook wom is a parasite that lives in the small intestine of it’s “host”. They have hooked mouth parts that fasten to the intestinal walls of their “hosts”. They suck blood and usually enter through the skin.

Answer #2

I remember going over this in zoology. Ick. Anyway, Pinworms are teeny tiny (you should probably use a more scientific term) worms that are transmitted when you touch something that has their eggs on them. Essentially they go through your skin and they hatch in your intestines. They cause severe itching and are highly contagious. Hookworms exist in contaminted feces and people can get them through contaminated water and soil. If I remember from zoology, it’s common in China where rice paddies use manuer to fertilize and they get in through the skin of the feet. They pretty much have the same effect as pinworms-itchy skin.

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