Health Questions

  1. How do you know if your wrist is sprained besides going to a doctor?
  2. How come when people are stressed our or they have cried a lot they get tired and go to sleep even if they slept all night?
  3. What does an antibiotic do while on birthcontrol?
  4. Can you make yourself actually sleepwalk?
  5. Is narcissism a disease or just a mindset?
  6. What kind of medicine will relieve the itching on your skin?
  7. Does anyone else think walking around in the grass barefoot gives you energy?
  8. How do you deal with a broken leg?
  9. Why do my bones crack every time when I bend my knees?
  10. How do you "let go" of your emotions?
  11. Why does my body feel so tired during the day around 3p.m?
  12. Does "thizz" really make a hole the size of a penny in your brain?
  13. Can holes in the brain caused by ecstasy ever close and/or heal?
  14. Can I use Neosporin with pain relief on a c-section incision?
  15. What are the harmful effects of caffeine?
  16. Is this my hayfever or just a common cold?
  17. How long does it usually take to get results back from an MRI?
  18. Can you get a prescription for medical marijuana for depression/severe anxiety in California?
  19. Why does my chest hurt when I come out the pool?
  20. Why do I always get sleepy at around 9 to 10 AM?
  21. Is it gross for your bf or gf to burp in front of you?
  22. What does it mean if you start to hear a high pitch ring sound?
  23. Where do high cheekbones come from?
  24. Is it true that a piece of chocolate can be good for the heart?
  25. What happens if you eat moldy bread?
  26. Why is it that when I first wake up in the morning and look out the window I start sneezing?
  27. Who can tell me things about the fire and ice condom?
  28. Why do I keep getting headaches when I wear headbands?
  29. What are some good ways to relax and increase brain activity?
  30. Can having OCD really cause me to have small panic attacks without even knowing it?
  31. What is this feeling in my mouth on my tooth I am chewing anything sweet and then it feels very sensitive?
  32. Why have my eyes been so teary the past two days?
  33. When were condoms invented?
  34. What are some things I can do to help me stand up straight and not slouch all the time?
  35. Why do I never feel hungry all of a sudden?
  36. How can I get rid of numbness fast after coming from the dentist 2 hours ago?
  37. How can I strengthen my back to be able to carry my breast weight more easily?
  38. What is Ebola?
  39. How many smokers and non-smokers are there in the United States if you're talking ethnic groups?
  40. What are some ways to increase the moisture in your eyes without eyedrops?
  41. Are you supposed to wear tampons at night as well?
  42. What causes getting light headed?
  43. How would you be isolated?
  44. Can someone help me with this, what do i do?
  45. What is the biggest muscle in the body?
  46. How do people get cholesterol or be diabetic?
  47. Why do I get cramps after I pee?
  48. Why do I still get morning sickness 6 months on?
  49. Do you really think spending 20 hours on a computer is bad for you?
  50. Could it be possible for me to have diabetes at my age (young teen)?
  51. Can I sue my ex boyfriend for giving me a disease?
  52. Can you get lung cancer if you don't smoke that often?
  53. Why am I having terrible stomach cramps and pain?
  54. Is it risky to have intercourse if you have not yet had your final Gardasil shot?
  55. Is it true that drinking alcohol can effect the baby making process?
  56. Why are girls usually secretive about their periods?
  57. How long after gettin a Lupron shot do you start to feel the effects?
  58. What would a vegan do if they became diabetic and needed insulin?
  59. How young is to young to get a Lupron shot?
  60. Who can give me a simple procedure of how bacteria splicing in genetic engeineering works?
  61. Why is my butt bone hurting?
  62. How far into the pregnancy would a mother start showing usually, and how fast is the weight gain?
  63. How do I get to stop attacking my computer?
  64. Is there a difference when the right side of your head hurts or when the left side of you head hurts?
  65. What happens in the brain during a headache?
  66. How to stay energetic at work?
  67. What are some things I can do to cut down on my daughter's medications?
  68. Can drinking while you are supposed to start your period, delay it?
  69. What can cause hips to hurt?
  70. Why do we tear up when we yawn?
  71. Do you think there are stupid reasons to be depressed?
  72. Can you still get stds even if you use condoms?
  73. Why do I keep losing weight without trying?
  74. Why would someone suddenly blackout?
  75. Why do I get pain in my belly button when I urinate?
  76. Why do girls have breasts?
  77. Why does my boyfriend's nose bleed 3 times a day?
  78. Can a doctor prescribe E-cigarettes to you so you can quit smoking?
  79. When you are sent to another place from your clinic to get an ultrasound will chp+ cover that ultrasound?
  80. Why is it that my right ankle has been hurting every time I start dance?
  81. How can you get rid of a terrible cough FAST?
  82. How can I make wearing contacts less tiring on my eyes?
  83. How do you find out your eye diameter and that without going to a optician?
  84. How many hours of sleep are we supposed to get every night?
  85. Why do my hands shiver during aggression?
  86. Can I reproduce breast milk by using my breast pump nine months after giving birth to enhance my breast size?
  87. How can I get rid of a blister?
  88. Is sleeping too long bad for you?
  89. Why does your skin get red if you pinch/slap/squeeze it?
  90. What do I do to make my ears feel "un-plugged" again?
  91. Is it true that thinking perverted thoughts make your nose bleed?
  92. What are some things I can do to keep me active and keep my mind sharp; I am 62?
  93. What can somebody do/take that isn't perscription when they think they are getting sick?
  94. Can I get rid of pinworms without having to go to the doctors?
  95. Should I still get my naval piercing if I am sick?
  96. When you cry why does your nose get runny?
  97. How can I put on weight so that my baby will be healthy if I eat so much already?
  98. What is that feeling "down there" when you feel like your throbbing?
  99. Why is there a small bump on the little flapping thing near the hole of my ear?
  100. is there away to dilute the depo shot( birth control shot) out of your system?