Health Questions

  1. Why does a migraine affect your senses?
  2. How do we inherit our genes?
  3. Why do I eat when I'm hurt or upset?
  4. Is it bad to wear a bra all the time; such as in your sleep (read more)?
  5. What does it mean when you have a bump on your head near the temple and close to your eye?
  6. Could this be a minor head injury or caused by something completely different?
  7. What's the best thing I can put on a burn (that I don't need to go to a doctor for)?
  8. How long do you bleed after a miscarriage in the first month?
  9. How often are people with Cystic Fibrosis in the hospital?
  10. What can you eat when you're lactose intolerant?
  11. Can I use baking soda with my toothpaste even though I have braces or will it ruin them?
  12. What are the chances of a tongue piercing getting infected?
  13. How do you know if you have a concussion?
  14. When do the symptoms of pregnancy start?
  15. Is it true that all left-handed people used to have a twin that died quickly and unknowingly in their mother's womb?
  16. What's wrong if you smell a weird sickly-sweet smell?
  17. Is there a cure for AIDS or are we still searching for it?
  18. How can a depressed person be truly happy again?
  19. Is it physically possible for a straight male to be unable to get an erection for females other than the one they love?
  20. Why does Sudafed make me hyper?
  21. Why do we have armpit and pubic hair?
  22. Why do my ribs hurt and why it is hard to breath at times?
  23. Is it possible to feel so depressed and want to cry but for some reason you can't?
  24. How can I get over the fear of swallowing pills?
  25. Why am I energetic at night but lightheaded during the day?
  26. Is Nyquil addictive?
  27. How many times do you have to have tonsillitis before the doctor takes them out?
  28. Why would a doctor prescribe birth control pills that warn against use while breastfeeding if you are breastfeeding?
  29. Do Mosquitos in the USA carry dangerous germs or diseases?
  30. Why do I wake up every morning with bad stomach aches?
  31. Why am I going crazy all of a sudden (read more)?
  32. How can I stop my stomach from grumbling during class?
  33. Can your heart explode?
  34. Is it bad to drink alone?
  35. Can your hip measurements ever change, or do they always stay the same, no matter if you're overweight or underweight?
  36. Why do I get frequent déjà vu?
  37. How to live in a house full of sick people and not get the virus?
  38. Would it be worth to go back to the specialist?
  39. Why does my breath stink every time I go to school (I do brush my teeth)?
  40. How can I feel better and keep the progress I made?
  41. What could have made me react to my new eyeshadow?
  42. Do you think cleaning is a good way to burn off steam (read more)?
  43. Why do some people lie so much, like pathological liars; is it a disease?
  44. Why do I have to urinate often, but nothing comes out?
  45. What helps with pain from a broken ankle that doesn't need a prescription?
  46. Why do I ache so much when I wake up?
  47. Why do I get pain in my teeth when I breathe through my nose?
  48. Is it true you can use teething gel to numb tastebuds?
  49. why do I have a puff above my vagina? like the lips and everything is normal. and I'm very tight. but its fat. what can I do to change that?
  50. What do you call this - "letting go of myself", or simply "change"?
  51. How to cure a dry throat and cold without any kind of medicine?
  52. Are there any ways to prevent thyroid problems?
  53. How can I get rid of a sinus problems fast?
  54. How long did your gums hurt after getting teeth pulled?
  55. Why does my dad have all this anger to put his hands on me?
  56. Are there any natural treatments for poly-cystic ovarian syndrome?
  57. How do I know if this is regular extraction pain or dry socket (I got 9 teeth pulled)?
  58. What should I do about sunburned breasts?
  59. Does surgery for a broken ankle hurt?
  60. Why does my clitoris hurt when I urinate?
  61. What are the signs of an eating disorder?
  62. What could painful urination and a rash be symptoms of (read more)?
  63. Does your face become bigger or jaw wider when you have a palatal expander brace?
  64. Why have I finished every stage of puberty but my penis has not grown yet?
  65. How do I get rid of headaches with home remedies?
  66. Does citalopram (a depression medication) cause birth defects?
  67. How to sleep with coffee in your system?
  68. What could be the reason for this growth under my nail; what is it?
  69. How do I know if I have an ingrown toenail?
  70. What is a migraine and how is it different from a headache?
  71. Can you be prescribed horse tranquilizers?
  72. When you're pregnant, can your baby feel when you cry?
  73. How do you get rid of poison ivy?
  74. Is it true that after getting laser eye surgery, many see things blurry at night?
  75. Does drinking strong alcohol make you gain weight and/or cause pimple break outs?
  76. How did people started with anorexic?
  77. Do old people puke?
  78. Are you more likly to scar from getting a cut on metal or glass?
  79. How to cure jetlag?
  80. What do you think of bathing in cold water?
  81. What to do when you are in a shit*ty school?
  82. What would happen if a girl took Viagra?
  83. Should I take a pregnancy test or just wait for my UTI to pass?
  84. What is the strongest/best working deodorant you have found?
  85. Why am I never hungry in the morning?
  86. How can I seek therapy without telling my mom?
  87. Why have I been dizzy?
  88. Is there a special way to get rid of a migraine?
  89. Are 3D's actually bad for your eyes?
  90. When you get your wisdom teeth surgically removed, are you not able to eat solid foods?
  91. What is this black plainless bruise like-spot on my chest?
  92. Why does my vagina itch , and when I itch it it starts hurting and when I pee it BURNS ? And I also think I feel a cut , what would I put on it/do to help ?
  93. Is there any way to heal coccyx and hip pain without surgery?
  94. Why am I having another period 5 days later?
  95. What's a good way to get rid of menstrual cramps without medicine?
  96. When I go to the clinic tuesday to get shots, should I take out my septum & navel jewelry (read)?
  97. Why do my lips turn red when I have hangovers?
  98. Can a straight nose become a crooked nose after a crash without bleeding or hurting?
  99. What can happen to me if I use a yeast infection treatment when I don't have a yeast infection?
  100. Why do I barely feel hungry anymore (read more)?