Why do I ache so much when I wake up?

After I wake up, doesn’t matter how long I sleep I’m like super achey. My knees, shoulders, elbows & knuckles hurt like I don’t even know how to explain it, it’s like really bad aches.

Answer #1

I looked on a couple websites and Arthritis keeps popping up. It’d be best for you to consult with your doctor. You could also talk to your parents to see if they’d have any ideas.. Maybe it’s hereditary?

Answer #2

I’ve had these sometimes too, I think its growing pains, like your bones grow bigger/longer, and your muscles need time adjusting to it. I’m not sure, and none of us are experienced enough to check it up through the internet, if it stays try going to the doctor (: Hope you feel better (:

Answer #3

Hmm, well I would go ask your doctor. It might be arthritis possibly? And try working out and see what that does, sometimes when I dont work out my enntire body aches up. From what you described its your joints that are the problem..And make sure you are sleeping on your back with your head turned torward the ceiling, when I sleep on my side or stomach I sometimes get this problem. Best advice is to see your Doc though.

Answer #4

alright try doing this and then i can tell you more this is all assumptions at this moment so bare with me: 1st. im assuming the pains are in the morning and maybe late at night 2nd. do you have any limitation of movement during the day? 3rd. when the aches start take 750mg of aspirin (~a tablet and a half) and wait 8-15 minutes (i am assuming the pain lasts for over 20 minutes at a time)

now if you feel a sort of relief or lowering of the pain, then we have a problem, and you need to go to the doctors ASAP since its a sign of inflammation -> multiple arthritis this is of course all assumption since i cant exactly see the patient (you)

Answer #5

Do you drink enough water at night/during the day. It could be an indication of dehydration.

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