Health Questions

  1. What could have caused me to feel suddenly ill like this (read more)?
  2. What are hormones?
  3. What can I do with this horrible skin condition?
  4. What do you do when you know you have burned out (from stress/pressures) and feel like you are going crazy?
  5. Why does it hurt when I take a deep breath in?
  6. Why do some people's nose start to bleed when they sneeze a lot?
  7. Why does it hurt so bad when I sneeze?
  8. What will happen if a person drank a solution of Potassium permangnate (KMnO4) in water?
  9. Why am i so scared to eat in front of people?
  10. Why do I get cold so easy?
  11. Is Sadomasochism an illness?
  12. Do you know anyone suffering with multiple sclerosis?
  13. What's the term for bone loss?
  14. What does the herb "ginger" do for your health?
  15. What are the first symptoms you get when you are pregnant?
  16. What kind of medicine do you recommend to get rid of a cough fast?
  17. Do you think the billboard showing Virgin Mary holding a pregnancy test is too controversial?
  18. Can you buy hydrogen peroxide in an average pharmacy in the U.S.?
  19. What helps a cold go away fast?
  20. Can a mother pass HPV to her child while pregnant?
  21. What is a nice way to tell a relative that they have body odor?
  22. Why do I keep getting these sharp quick pains?
  23. Do you think it's weird to be scared of glitter?
  24. Is there any relationship between sinus infection and meningitis?
  25. Is it ok to smoke weed while pregnant?
  26. What are some things I can do to prevent going into anorexic mode?
  27. What is dermatitis?
  28. What health benefits come from putting flax seed in your food?
  29. How often do you floss your teeth?
  30. when people say "omg do you even eat?" or "you're anorexic".. omg i just feel like saying " omg did you eat the whole of the supermarket?"
  31. Can drinking a lot of liquor in a few days time cause a kidney infection?
  32. Can having your laptop on your stomach affect your health?
  33. Can i do this with yeast infec meds?
  34. Are pomegranates good for cholesterol?
  35. What can I try doing *before* seeing a doctor about my body possibly producing alcohol?
  36. Could I be having a heart attack?
  37. Can people kiss just as good with braces?
  38. Does anyone else have BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) they can't get rid of?
  39. When you take tablets for cancer and you lose your hair, do you lose your eyebrows and lashes also?
  40. Is anyone on here looking for someone to take thier anger/problems out on? Like you just want to flip out on someone?
  41. Can you have panic attacks in your sleep?
  42. How long will it take for my jarred elbow to heal?
  43. Why are you not suppose to put whitening strips on your teeth right after you brush?
  44. What is a "sinus problem"?
  45. What supplements have antioxidants in them?
  46. How can I get rid of the pain of my jarred elbow?
  47. Is it normal for birth control to make you puke shortly after you start taking it?
  48. Is it possible to explode if you eat too much in one sitting?
  49. What vitamins should I buy for hair growth; folic acid and/or Biotin?
  50. How can I get rid of this yeast infection?
  51. Would someone with more fat stay warmer than someone with a lot of muscle?
  52. How do you get cuts to heal faster?
  53. Why can't I do a number 2 properly?
  54. Why don't I get hangovers?
  55. Are there any types of ligaments near the brain?
  56. How can you tell a complete stranger your whole story so you can heal?
  57. Is someone considered an alcoholic if they need a drink every night to go to sleep?
  58. What are your opinions on using medicinal marijuana?
  59. What's the difference between a bladder infection and a yeast infection for females?
  60. How do you know if you are depressed without having a therapist?
  61. Is it possible to get a blister on the sole of your foot?
  62. What foods help to raise *good* cholesterol?
  63. Can I take Fluconazole while on birth control pills?
  64. How can I avoid passing out in health class?
  65. Why have my arms and hands been going numb so easily lately and I'm cold 24/7?
  66. How long should it take for a wound on the side of your head to heal if you have a butterfly closure on it?
  67. Why am I really sleepy at 10, but when I get into bed and try to sleep I feel wide awake?
  68. Why do your hands itch when you've been in cold weather too long?
  69. Can the acne medication Accutane cause irregular periods?
  70. What are signs of ovulation?
  71. Is it possible for your eye prescription to get higher even if you wear your glasses like you're told to?
  72. How would you like to be killed?
  73. What is meant when they say they will evaluate your child with an assessment and analyze?
  74. What causes high blood pressure and cholesterol?
  75. What Is TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)?
  76. What vitamins can I take to stop my hair from falling out?
  77. What form of birth control do most people use?
  78. What does the buzzing sound in my ear mean?
  79. What are some of the long-term negative effects of taking MDMA (Ecstasy) daily?
  80. What can I do if I burned or rubbed off part of my tongue?
  81. What's a good name for a group of recovering self-harmers?
  82. Is it bad to run when you only sleep for 5 or 6 hours?
  83. Can you be forced into an eating disorder clinic without a court order?
  84. Why do I swear while sleeping?
  85. What is the quickest way to get rid of a poison ivy reaction?
  86. What does a torn ligament feel like?
  87. Is this a phobia or just a silly fear of mine?
  88. Why can't I express anger?
  89. Are chapped lips contagious?
  90. How long does it generally take to recover from a hysterectomy?
  91. What would you do to relieve stress over being section leader?
  92. What are the best methods of reducing stress and improving focus?
  93. How can I keep the thoughts of anorexia and bulimia out of my head?
  94. Is a sprained ligament a serious injury (read more)?
  95. Why are the muscles by my shoulder blades twitching?
  96. How to handle stress from having a terrifying quantity of work due tomorrow?
  97. How long does it take for your stomach to digest food and be empty?
  98. What causes people to smoke more when they drink alcohol?
  99. What are your thoughts on seeing these young teen girls pregnant at the age of 15?
  100. What would happen if you were pregnant and your baby threw up inside of you?