Do you know anyone suffering with multiple sclerosis?

Answer #1

i do actually.. she’s close friend of my family and I.

Answer #2

my mum has it

Answer #3

I had one single attack three years ago, and doctors told me I might be developing MS. But yet, I had no further attack and I hope that it will remain a one-time incident.

My single attack was an inflammation on the visual nerve and the visual center in the brain. I just went blind on one eye the other day. First it became blurred and gray in the middle of my vision field and then I couldn’t see at all. So my doctor send me to a hospital that is specialized in treating MS. It is not far away from where I live. And I stayed there for two weeks. And I was treated with high-dosed cortisone intravenous. My vision returned completely.

I met a lot of people who have had the disease since years. Some of them had severe disabilities. Some were in wheelchairs. But I also met a woman who has had it since 25 years and who seemed almost unimpaired. She walked on a cane. And she said that she had problems with the tactile sense sometimes. She was there because she had a slight attack that was detected in a CRT but had no effect on her ability. Other than that all her attacks have healed off without any scars in the nerve tissue and thus almost without any remaining disabilities.

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