How long does it generally take to recover from a hysterectomy?

As well, what are the immediate side effects after getting one?

Answer #1

Can I ask wat that is exactly

Answer #2

Oopsies, spelt it wrong haha. Fixed.

Answer #3

Well I had one done bout 3 months ago, I was fine and pain free within 2 weeks, I wud advise gettin hormone replacements, if u don’t u will wake up at night sweatin like nobodies buisness. I’m doin fine with my hormones, u don’t need a big dose, and the best thing is no more periods. The scare will only b from ur naval and will only b like 3 inches long. The immediate side affects will b it will hurt to cough and move around much for like 4 days or so, after that u shud b good to go. Any other questions?

Answer #4

Is it not a procedure where your uterus or ovaries are taken out?

Answer #5

Yes it is, they can leave ur ovaries if u chose to keep them, but if they r messed up like mine was then its best to take them out. If u leave them u won’t need hormones. I wud also ask ur doc bout keepin ur cervex as well, it will cut down on the healing time and will keep some s*xually satisfaction thr as well

Answer #6

Oh no, it’s not for me. My boyfriend’s mother had it done, and I was wondering how I sohuld help out since I’m over there a lot.

Answer #7

The best things u can do is make it so she’s not gettin up and down a lot and make it so she don’t have to go up and down the stairs to much. Make sure she eats with her pain pills as well cuz they can make u sick if u dont

Answer #8

I would say the bare minimum time to heal is 3 weeks. You could go through menopause. These might include hot flashes, v*ginal dryness, night sweats, mood swings, or other symptoms. You could get an infection or damage to nearby organs.

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