Parents & Family Questions

  1. How can I tell my Mom that I'm engaged?
  2. Can I move out at 17?
  3. What if my friend's Mom doesn't like me?
  4. What to do if my Mom doesn't like my friend?
  5. How to deal with my brother driving me crazy?
  6. Why do my parents refuse to let me have a life?
  7. Is 18 too young?
  8. How can I tell my Dad that I'm worried about his drinking?
  9. How do I get my Mom to relax?
  10. How do I tell my parents I'm 13 and pregnant?
  11. What's some advice for someone with strict parents?
  12. Can I move out when I'm 18?
  13. What can I do about my overbearing parents?
  14. Should I justify how I spend my time to my parents?
  15. How can I hide a detention from my parents?
  16. Could my parents file a runaway report?
  17. What should I do about my strict parents who ruin my relationship?
  18. Should I try to move out?
  19. How do I convince my parents not to switch my school?
  20. How can I tell my Mom I'm ready for the "talk"?
  21. How can I get my Mom to relax?
  22. How do I tell my Mom that I got my period?
  23. How do I get my parents to lighten up and let me live?
  24. How to tell my mum that I got my period?
  25. Could I possibly move out at 17?
  26. What to do about my depression during deployment?
  27. How can I convince my parents to drive me around?
  28. Will my Mom be OK?
  29. Can I move in with my Aunt?
  30. Why are parents never satisfied?
  31. Where do you think I should move?
  32. Can I move in with my Mom if she doesn't have custody?
  33. Can I Get Married at 16?
  34. Can I move out of my parents' house?
  35. Can I move out at 17?
  36. How can I convince my parents to move?
  37. What do you want life to be like at 60?
  38. How do I get rid of my Dad's girlfriend?
  39. Should I move out since my Mother is ruining my life?
  40. Should I move out since my Mom makes me hate my life?
  41. Why does my sister lie like this?
  42. Can I move out at 17 in Louisiana without being pregnant?
  43. Should I tell my Dad that I'm a lesbian?
  44. How can I stop hating my life and being stressed?
  45. Why does my brother hate me so much?
  46. How do you tell your parents when the monthly visiter starts?
  47. How do I tell my Mom about my boyfriend?
  48. How can I get my XBox 360 from my Dad's house?
  49. How can I tell my Mom that I'm a lesbian?
  50. How can I get over grief of my Mom dying?
  51. How can we get food stamps for my mother-in-law?
  52. Is it better to live with parents or rent your own place?
  53. What if I really want to be a teen Mom?
  54. How do I move on after my Dad's death?
  55. Can pregnant teens become automatically emancipated in Nevada?
  56. Can you see this post?
  57. How can I get my mom to stop bothering me 24/7?
  58. How can I get my parents to give me privacy?
  59. What if my parents and friends think I'm anorexic?
  60. How can I get my parents to understand me?
  61. Can you go to jail for running away and then coming home?
  62. Marriage: is it very compulsory?
  63. Can the police stop someone who ran away if they leave a note?
  64. How do girls manage to hide anorexia?
  65. Can I move out at 16?
  66. How do I tell my Mom I'm stripping for girls?
  67. How do I keep my sanity around my parents?
  68. How can I get rid of my Russian stepmom to be?
  69. How can I move out at age 17?
  70. How to get my boyfriend's Mom to stop hating me?
  71. How do I convince my Mom to let me get birth control?
  72. How can I get my Mom to talk to me about girl stuff?
  73. How can I impress my boyfriend's Dad?
  74. How can I hide my Special K from my sister?
  75. Will your parents let you get a tattoo?
  76. How can I deal with my overprotective Mum?
  77. Any advice on announcing my girlfriend's pregnancy to our parents?
  78. What should I do if my Dad and Stepmom are splitting up?
  79. Can I move out after graduation?
  80. What can I do if I live with a family of slobs?
  81. How can I deal with my feelings?
  82. What do you do when your Dad and sister hate you?
  83. Should I have a baby at 15?
  84. How can I get my parents to stop being so overprotective?
  85. How can I make some real friends?
  86. Should I tell my parents about being abused?
  87. Can we get a flat and move in together if I'm pregnant?
  88. How to be with her when her Mom is killing us?
  89. Can I move in with my boyfriend if I'm 16 and pregnant?
  90. Is there a way to cure my father?
  91. What should I do for my Mom's birthday?
  92. How can I tell my parents I'm moving out?
  93. What if I don't want to see a counselor?
  94. Could I move out at sixteen?
  95. Can I move out of state after a divorce in Illinois?
  96. How do I gain more trust with my Stepdad?
  97. How to convince my parents to let me get a tattoo?
  98. Can I move from my Mom's to my Dad's?
  99. How can I get my parents to be less nosy?
  100. How can we convince my family that we should have a baby?