How do I tell my Mom about my boyfriend?

I am a 19 year old girl who is dating a 33 year old guy. My mom doesn’t like big age differences and thinks its really wrong. But i have fallen in love with this guy and i really want to tell her but i am afraid she wont talk to me, or will hate me for it. If your a mother of a 19 year old , how would u take it?

Answer #1

im 19 and my husband is 28, i fell in love with him when i was 16, if he makes you happy and dosnt hit you, age souldnt matter, even thou age matters to some people you cant tell your heart who to fall in love with.

Answer #2

AGE DOES NOT MATTER!!! you love the guy more power to you. just explain to your mom that you are a adult now and you can make choices for yourself and eventually she is going to have to accept those choices even if she doesn’t like them. make sure you’re explaining all of this in a very respectful tone though

Answer #3

When I was eighteen, I fell in love with a twenty-four-year-old boy. These days I wonder what the hell was wrong with that boy and what could he possibly have wanted with me. Age does matter - it affects your maturity and your range of interests. Although you are legally an adult when you turn eighteen, your brain continues to develop until you’re about twenty-one. Experience also helps, of course.

Generally speaking, you don’t want to start dating someone older than you until you’re in your mid-twenties. Even then, I wouldn’t recommend dating someone fourteen years older than you. There’s something creepy about old men who like young girls.

Answer #4

well i was in the same boat that you was in once, its something that your going to have to tell her because eventally they are going to find out, i mean its going to be hard to let her no but your going to have to tell her, the only concern shes going to have is his age differance you no but slowly kind of take it step by step.

Answer #5

Alright i know what you mean, the oldest i have ever gone was like a year or two so the age difference is new for me. I do wanna be with him so. Anyways but thnx

Answer #6

Dear ssstttaar, The stats show that age does matter. But that isn’t what your heart is telling you…the chances of this working out isnt great for a host of reasons. Your mother has a right to be concerned about age and dating. We can love a lot of people in our lives but that doesn’t mean it will work. There are some things love may not be able to conquer such as different friends (ages), different taste in music, awkward situation with buisness associates etc. So although 14 years may not seem like a huge difference it is and will cause some difficulties along the way. I wouldn’t be very happy if my daughter brought this news home to me…but hey I’d have more in common with the boyfriend than I would the daughter…we’d be closer in age. Sue…good luck

Answer #7

I feel bad for the person above me if making someone happy and not hitting them are her basic standards. I would certainly hope that this guy isn’t hitting you… personally I think he’s too old for you. Think about it this way.. you’ll be in your mid 20s or 30s, in your prime.. and he’ll be an old man! That big of an age gap at your age is very creepy. I would say don’t be shocked if your mom freaks, if anything you should expect it. If he really truly does make you happy then I guess all I can say is good luck to you two and I hope your mom takes everything in stride over time. It’s better to just tell her sooner rather than later.

Answer #8

And to make my answer somewhat relevant to your question: dumping your guy will make your mom happy.

Answer #9

im not a mother of a 19 yr old… but i disagree with you. age is a big deal. hes to old for you. sorry.

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