How can I get my parents to be less nosy?

ok so my mom is so freaking nosy! shes always asking me so did you dance with any guys tongiht or what guys are you going to hang out with and what goes were at the movies? she asls all these questions and I always lie and say there were no guys but shes starting to catch on. I mean I get fingered,give head, and I meet up with guys and get drunk all hte time but my mom like always wants to know who im with and when nad its so annoying. shes always acting like im going to get raped or she’d like so kill me if she knew. how do I get ehr to back off?

Answer #1

You are wrong, heading down a dangerous road - your Mom is being what a parent should - the one who looks after your best interests (whether you choose to beleive it or not) and obviously Loves you - doesn’t want to see you destroy yourself or see others destroy you - if you acted responsible she wouldn’t have to try and stay so ‘on top’ of everything - she cares, many,many don’t - you should be thankful, not spiteful - I hope you make better choices in your future…Take care !!

Answer #2

girl and im 16 and my mom still asks me where I’m going and what I did when I was there. And no I’ve never been to a party. I have never had a boyfriend. I’ve never drank alcohol because I know what it can do to you. My dad died from alcohol and my mom almost died from not even drinking a lot. You can drink beer as less as you want it will catch up with you. Imagine seeing yourself throwing up blood all over in the toilet because your liver swelled up from cirrosis from beer Happened to my mom and blood was pouring into the toilet and over the bowl and floor. Wasnt pretty. Stop harming yourself. Your too young and she has a right to ask what you did. And at your age you shouldnt even be out partying. Respect your mom and stop having sex and getting bad grades because a boys penis aint going to support you when you are working at mc donalds. im not being mean it is just scary stuff.

Answer #3

Girl, your mom isnt the problem… you are! Youre barely 13, and you are already sexually active, and drinking! Parents need to be involved in their children’s lives. Its called “parental involvement”!! What she is doing isnt being nosy… …shes monitoring you. Something loving/caring parents do. No parent would want to hear that their very young daughter is getting drunk, and having oral sex. Its not all about you! They are responsilbe for your well-being, and you are disrespecting that. You are one of the lucky ones…at least your mom cares!

I knew a girl exactly like you that i went to school with. She was the one whos parents starting at age 9, allowed her to have boy/girl parties! (unsupervised) I wasnt allowed to go (but i really didnt care). She started doing stuff with boys around that time too…things most girls that age never heard of. Every boy wanted her. She wasnt pretty at all, but the boys werent exactly looking at that. They were more interested in what she putting out. She was pretty popular. Not the kind of popularity i wanted. Middle school she was too. She went through alot of boys, but never really had a bf. By the time she reached high school, she was all used up. All the boys had either had her, or heard about her, and wanted nothing to do with her. Our junior year, she started dating a mexican (someone she worked with) got pregnant, then 2 mos. later had a miscarriage. Her life was heading nowhere. She decided in her senior yr. that she would join the army, and thats what she did.

Here are some facts to consider! Closeness To Mother Can Delay First Instance Of Sexual Intercourse Among Younger Teen> Teenagers are less likely to start having sex when their mothers are involved in their lives, have a close relationship with them, and stress the importance of education, according to new findings from the largest survey ever conducted with adolescents in the United States.

Parents who are involved in their children’s lives, and who confidently transmit their religious and moral values to their children, have the greatest success in preventing risky and immoral behavior. Morals are not abstractions. Morals have to do with real-life commitments to people and things that have value. Parents and other influential adults (at school, at church, and in the community) need to show teenagers the difference between devotion and infatuation and help them make the distinction in their own hearts.

Parents who watch their kids closely and are involved in their school activities tend to raise children who walk the straight and narrow. Kids whose parents look the other way or depend upon someone else to “raise” their children pay big time — especially when the child reaches teen years.

Answer #4

my parents said they were taking my phone away so I said I lost it and hid it really good in my room. the next day its gone!!! my dad had found it!!! he had to of looked really good to find it. I hate him, its my room and my privacy. P.S-it was on silent and hid really really good.

I think he has a gps tracker in my phone because whenever I do something I wasn’t supposed to, he knows… thats nosy.

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