Parents & Family Questions

  1. How to tell my Mom that I have my period?
  2. How do you tell your parents that you're pregnant?
  3. How to handle my guy-stealing sister?
  4. Do you know anyone with Cystic Fibrosis?
  5. How to get my parents' trust back?
  6. How to get my Dad to back off?
  7. Can you find out the father of a child before it's born?
  8. Does anyone have adopted siblings?
  9. How can my friend ask her Mom for labia surgery?
  10. How can I convince my Mom to let me live with my Dad?
  11. Is there anyone out there I can talk to?
  12. How can I move out at 14?
  13. How do I convince my parents to let me date?
  14. What if I found out my Dad smokes pot?
  15. Who has kids who are around 11 and girls?
  16. How to convince my Mom I don't have a problem?
  17. How to convince my friend's Mom to let her move in with me?
  18. Is there a website to give details about last names?
  19. How to convince my parents for a belly ring?
  20. Can we get married without consent if I'm pregnant?
  21. What to do when my parents think I'm lying?
  22. How to tell my Mom I want to live with my Dad?
  23. How to get my Mom to realize he's not the one?
  24. How to handle very controlling parents?
  25. How do I talk to my parents?
  26. How to get a tongue piercing without my parents knowing?
  27. How can my friend legally see his baby?
  28. How to stop being so scared of my Dad?
  29. Why won't my Mom let me drive?
  30. How young is too young to want to start a family?
  31. How to get closer to my family?
  32. How to cope with my Gramma's death?
  33. Should we share the news of my pregnancy?
  34. How to get my Mom to let me see my boyfriend?
  35. How do I get over rejection from my father?
  36. How to tell my Mom I want birth control?
  37. How do you act gracious when someone gives you a gift?
  38. How to ask my parents to send me abroad?
  39. How do I talk to my mom about my depression?
  40. What will happen to my niece's ex-husband?
  41. How to make my Mom understand I don't like her boyfriend?
  42. How can we have a baby?
  43. How can I tell my Mum I want a proper bra?
  44. How to tell my son his Daddy isn't his real father?
  45. How do I go about growing up and moving out?
  46. How to get my Dad to relax about my boyfriend?
  47. How to convince my grandparents to trust us?
  49. Does anyone else here have a disabled sibling?
  50. How to convince my Mom to let me stay in town for a party?
  51. How do I tell my parents I might be pregnant?
  52. Are they related or not?
  53. How to get my sister to be nice to me?
  54. Is this a phase that my son is going through?
  55. What if my brother is abusive to my Mom?
  56. How to handle my sister?
  57. How to move out of my Mom's house to live with my best friend?
  58. Is it normal for a divorce to be so stressful?
  59. How to get my Dad to stop saying these things?
  60. How to get my Dad to like my boyfriend?
  61. How do I help my brother?
  62. How to get my cell phone back?
  63. How to deal with a frustrating Aunt?
  64. What to do with a psycho Mom?
  65. How to get my learning permit back from my Mom?
  66. How to convince my parents to let me get my nose pierced?
  67. What if my parents don't like my boyfriend?
  68. How are you going to raise your child(ren)?
  69. How do I tell my Mom that I'm bi?
  70. Is there something wrong with my little brother?
  71. How can I get some self-esteem when my parents say this stuff?
  72. How to handle my son who is prone to anger?
  73. Does anyone feel this way?
  74. What if I have my tubes tied but regret it?
  75. What's a good way to let my parents know I'm pregnant?
  76. How to convince my parents to let me be a boxer?
  77. How can I date with overprotective parents?
  78. Is being pregnant a good reason for emancipation?
  79. Can I move out of my house at 16 if I'm pregnant?
  80. How do I get permission for a tattoo?
  81. How to tell your parents you want privacy?
  82. How to convince them that I can come home alone?
  83. How to talk to my Mom after asking her for a bra?
  84. How to deal with an irritating Mum?
  85. How to tell my parents I won't get a job?
  86. Is it stupid to want a baby when I'm 15?
  87. Why doesn't my Mom show me love?
  88. How to deal with parent troubles?
  89. Should I leave to live with my best friend?
  90. How can I help my Dad realize that he makes me sad?
  91. How can I divorce my sister?
  92. How can a hardworking father catch up on child support?
  93. How to tell my parents I think I'm depressed?
  94. How to convince my Mom to let me get a belly button ring?
  95. Why does my Mom treat me different than my brothers?
  96. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant if she'll throw me out?
  97. What are some tips for running away from home?
  98. How to tell your parents you want to move out?
  99. How to get family diplomacy for the Holidays?
  100. How to get some freedom from my parents?