Does anyone else here have a disabled sibling?

Does anyone else on this site have a disabled sibling and are being constantly mocked for it? I love my 15 year old sister with down syndrome dearly, but I am at my wits wnd trying to explain to people how I feel about being mocked. Does anyone have a solution, which doesn’t involve losing my temper? Thankyou, Britz.

Answer #1

Thankyou, this brought tears to my eyes, literally, and I am truly grateful to you. It shows how much people care, and how much people are willing to help. Thankyou, thankyou, is all I have to say. I truly appreciate it.

Answer #2

Dear britz14, I work with disabled children and the first rule is you do not have to defend yourself. Stay away from places you know they are at. If you are mocked walk away. You don’t need to explain anything they know your sister has down-syndrome what’s to explain? Some are truly interested in her condition and they will ask questions politely for the others just walk away. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

well…I have a.d.d and a language diablitiy and my feet don’t work the way they should…sooo I feel the pain you are suffering. If thay keep bothering you about your sister and you keep getting mad that just shows to them that you care and it makes you upset and they will keep mocking you…so show them that you do care and play alnog with every word they say and they will stop mocking you cause it’s not fun anymore.

Hope it helps…

Answer #4

Hey Britz, I didn’t know your sister was being mocked. Well, I knew she was being mocked a while ago but didn’t it stop? I don’t know how you can stop people doing it, but you seem like a very good sister,[well, not to your brother.] and I wish you were my sister.

Answer #5

Be strong, remember the strength of your love & let the mocking words bounce off you, as if you were an impenetrable sphere :)

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