How to tell my parents I won't get a job?

my parents think im spoild and want me to get a job, [how unfair]…what should I say to them..because im not gettin a job:|

Answer #1

If you don’t want to show responsibility, ambition, willingness to improve your life on your own, you will not succeed in life - you won’t always be able to take, take, take and you can forget about having the finer things - you just might be wise to look in the mirror and reconsider…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

If you are over 18 years old and you do not have a job…then I would kick you out my self…( harsh I no) but you have to learn independance some time…plus why would you want to live with your parents ( like me guess so they spoil you right) you are being very rude in this living situation for 18years or so Have to by law take care of you after that they don’t and if you are oh 18 and six months I say they shouldn’t you are lucky to have them though I am seventeen years old and have been pretty much on my own since I was 15 years old I have worked since I was 14 though…and in a since I think I am spoiled. I live in on Kauai in Hawaii it is one of the most beautiful places in the world…I Have two part time Jobs one pays $12.25 and the other $15 to $25 depending on what we are doing…I start college in January fully paid for…I can suport my se;f though and I don’t need my parents..I am in foster care yes, but my Foster parents don’t help me and I am more then capable of living on my own…( I pretty much do) for the most part though I have the freedom to come and go as I want and do what I want with out living under some ones rules since I take care of my self. it is a very rewarding gives you self worth and esteam. changes your out look on life and makes you apresheaite the people who did take care of you over the years ( even if they where shity people) it makes you stronger too and helps prepare you for the long road ahead. You can’t live with them forever ( Well I guess you could) still though being on your own is great..and it is not as hard as people make it out to be. it can be though…but it gets easier as you go along with it. My advice is get a job save up ( $2000 to $4000) and move out. get a car too those are good. and a lisence if you do ot have one. Move on with your life and stop leeching off mom and dad.

Answer #3

my parents think im spoild


and want me to get a job, [how unfair]


…what should I say to them..

You should say: “I’m spoiled, and I need a job”

because im not gettin a job:|

FALSE! You’ll need one when they kick you out.

Answer #4

No job expierience by 18, hm?

How will you ever make it in the world? Have a little indapendence.

We all start somewhere.

And after getting my first job, I appreciated a lot more things around me.

Answer #5

well I am spoiled but my parents dont take care of me, they think that I should stop trying to be a designer and go to school to be like a doctor of somethin, so its not like im sitting at home all day doing nuthing, I intern and go to school, thats what I ment by there unfair.

Answer #6

your pathetic. how can u call urself a woman. your are a prime example of why people dont take the whole.”independent woman” thing serious. Everyman I know including myself does not respect a woman who cant support herself. its a damn shame for me to have to say that without your parents u have nothing. and your 20 your not 12 grow the hell up u loser.

Answer #7

Why don’t you want to get a job? It gets you out of the house, lets you earn a living, spend money on things, lets you meet people and uses your talents and abilities. I think your parents are doing you a favour by wanting you to get a job. That’s all part of becoming an adult. you don’t want to be a child forever.

Answer #8

Ya know what? Good for your parents! You might stop to think that mom and dad are not going to be around forever to spoil you. At the age of 20, it’s time to grow up and live in the real world.

Answer #9

You;re 20 years,. old. Sorry to say it, actually no I’m not sorry to say it, YOU ARE SO FREAKING SPOILED!! How could getting a job and supporting yourself hurt you? Maybe you and my Uncle should get together. He;s a bum to. he lives off of my grandparents and he’s 35 and SO SO SO pathetic. Do you REALLY wan to turn into him? I’m glad your parents are making you get a job. I’m 14, and if anyone would hire me, I WOULD get a job. You;re 20 and you already should’ve been supporting yourself a long time ago.

Answer #10

Wow that is somethin else. I am twenty, have had a job since I was 13 and go to school to be a pharmacist. You need to get a job… Or else start poppin out kids and get a big goverment check every month like your kind do. It makes me sick knowing that I have to pay for people like you with my taxes. YUCK! grow up

Answer #11

Well,maybe you should go find a job in order to train your independence?And you are not spoiled. =) To me,you are more like lazy..Why you dont want to get a job?

Answer #12

well I am spoiled but my parents dont take care of me…

Hmmm… well… that’s a tad contradictary… o__O

Answer #13

Your lucky they even still support you O_O least you can do is show them you dont need their support, before they cut the money cord from you Mr.

Answer #14

“look mom I wont get a job and if you say anything I will murder you and force to get a you hobo

Answer #15

I would be extra delighted if my parents wanted me to stop studies and earn money…

Answer #16

Well, why DON’T you want to get a job?

Answer #17

your fricken LAZZYYY

Answer #18

because im SPOILED..[ duh]

Answer #19

…I never said I wasnt spoiled…

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