How can I help my Dad realize that he makes me sad?

My dad lied to my mom, he told her he couldnt get people pregnant so he didnt have to use a condom, but guess what happend, he got her pregnant. so thats why im here. It was his fault, he stayed with me and my mom for 3 years but was never around, he didnt have money for food or dipers but he had money for beer and pot, and hes a want to be rapper. About 5 or six years ago he got a girlfriend, her name is vanessa and shes my soon to be step mom. she wants to own a resturant. When my dad first met her she already had 2 kids, and they are now my brothers, their names are Tyrone and Brendan, Tyrone is 9 Brendan is 8… I think, but now there is to more, my little sister meadow and my little brother jason oh and my dad also got someone pregnant when he was around 14 so shes almost 18. They lived in winnipeg for a while then they moved to portage la prairie, I went to live with them for 2 months because I didnt listen to my mom. After that they moved to Altona, thats where they opend up a resturant, a little after they opned up the resturant, it was thanksgiving and my mom got drunk and high, she came to my aunties, thats where the whole family was. They all started fighting and stuff so I had to go live with my grandma in Morden for 2 months. My grandma told the CFS people that my mom abused my and my little brother, and its a lie. I got to spend a little more time with my dad because Morden and Altona are close. I moved back with my mom at Christmas. My dad moved to B.C a little while ago, and he now never calls me, he lies to me and stuff. Him and Vanessa are getting married and im not even invited to the wedding :( I just want to murder my dad. I want to tell him how sad I am and depressed I am because of everything that happend, and oh did I mention that vanessa told my dad he wasnt allowed to see me while I lived in Morden? well ya she did :( My mom said I wasnt allowed to see him till im 14 and thats 2 years from now. I dont know how to tell my dad this stuff cause me and him are close but not like so close we can share everything with eachother. Any ideas on how I can make him relise hes making me sad?

Answer #1

I dont think it would hurt you both as much if you say something now because your not so close,but IF you ever got closer it would be hard on tell him now

Answer #2

Dear orange_glassesrcool, Both your mother and father are very dysfunctional people…telling them how you feel is going to make you feel better only for a short time. So the best advice would be to go to a counsellor. You can’t change who these people are in your life but you can change the way “you” deal with the situation. You are caught in this terrible circle of people who can’t get their own lives in check and are expected to keep yours in check. Feeling sad, upset, confused is expected for someone in your position but with help you can gains some coping skills and maybe a bit of understanding why they put you in this position. Start with the school counsellor or a doctor and they will set you up with a counsellor who deals with family issues. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

I will Pray for you

Answer #4

tell him everything what u feel…its not fear to treat u that way !!!Your mother should tell him that she was paying him food and etc.for all these years!!!and he didnt do anything to make it better than it is!!!

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